COD Modern Warfare: Players on a rampage over invasive Black Ops ads

What appears grandiose on paper, in any case, is much less so in the face of facts. At the expense was Call of Duty Modern Warfare, which according to some players is now nothing more than a big and elaborate billboard for Black Ops Cold War. For starters, Modern Warfare's home menu has been updated to also include Warzone and Black Ops Cold War, with shotcuts that allow you to download the free-to-play and purchase the latter. In addition, Modern Warfare users now have to put up with loading screens that blatantly advertise the other two games.
The biggest problem, according to r / games and r / modernwarfare redditors, is related in the presence of the Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Battle Pass in the Modern Warfare menu, complete with an option to purchase it. As we said, the progression has been unified, and it is possible to level up in the Pass even by participating in Modern Warfare multiplayer. Too bad none of the unlockables can actually be used in this game, as they all feature Black Ops Cold War or Warzone logos!
Call of Duty Modern Warfare owners, meanwhile, are still waiting for news for their game. There probably won't be a new season, but data miners have unearthed clues to two new operators, Soap and Sparks, as well as potential new maps for Multiplayer.