Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War: All the content for the Season 1 update - that's what you can expect

With Season 1, five new weapons will be added to the first-person shooter. The MAC-10 (MP) and Groza (assault rifle) appear in the start week. Later the street sweeper (shotgun), the sledge hammer (close combat) and wakizashi (close combat) follow. You can also let off steam in new game modes from December 16 in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (buy now € 53.99). For the start week, firefight (2v2), prop hunt (6v6) and linked weapons: position (12v12) are planned, atomic case (6v6) will appear during the season. In prop hunt, for example, two teams alternate each round as props and hunters. The props disguise themselves as everyday objects that are scattered across the various multiplayer maps - from a Soviet ticket counter to a baby grand piano for delayed season 1 start
For Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season 1, Treyarch also confirms eight new multiplayer maps. The Pines (6v6), Raid (6v6), Nuketown '84 Holidays (6v6), Game Show (2v2), ICBM (2v2) and KGB (2v2), U-Bahn (2v2) have been announced for the release week. Sanatorium (fire troop) will be submitted later. You can get impressions from the new cards on the screenshots in our gallery. With the inflatable boat, there is also a new vehicle in the first person shooter: The release will take place during the season. Fans of the zombies mode will also get a new one: one of the innovations is the fresh variant O du Tödliche, which will be available in the launch week. With Aufgeputscht, a time-limited mode appears in the course of the season.
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imageList13634480 = [{"IMGPOS": 1, "URL": "/ screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1 -ANNOUNCE-012-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3463905 "," TITLE ":" The Pines (6v6) (start week) [Source: Activision] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 2," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-013-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3463906 "," TITLE ":" Raid (6v6) (start week) [ Source: Activision] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 3," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-014-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3463907 "," TITLE ":" Nuketown \ '84 Holidays (6v6) (start week) [Source: Activision] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 4," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW -WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-015-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3463908 "," TITLE ":" Game Show (2v2) (start week) [Source: Activision] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 5, "URL": "/ screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-016-pc-games.jpg", "ID": "3463909", "TITLE": "ICBM (2v2) (Start week) [Source: Activision] "}, {" URL ":" "," ID ":" 2 "," TITLE ":" Advertisement "}, {" IMGPOS ": 6," URL ":" / scree nshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-017-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3463910 "," TITLE ":" KGB (2v2) (start week) [Source: Activision] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 7," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-018-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3463911 "," TITLE ":" U-Bahn (2v2) (start week) [Source: Activision] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 8," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE- 019-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3463912 "," TITLE ":" Sanatorium (fire team) (during the season) [Source: Activision] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 9," URL ": "/screenshots/970x546/2020/12/BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-001-pc-games.jpg","ID":"3463913","TITLE":"Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War: All content for Season 1 - that's what awaits you [Source: Activision] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 10," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-023-pc-games. jpg "," ID ":" 3463925 "," TITLE ":" New to Warzone: the map Rebirth Island. [Source: Activision] "}, {" URL ":" "," ID ":" 2 "," TITLE ":" Advertisement "}, {" IMGPOS ": 11," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / BOCW-WZ-S1-ANNOUNCE-030-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3463924 "," TITLE ":" Treyarch introduces the new Battle Pass for Black Ops Cold War. [Source: Activision] "}, {" URL ":" "," ID ": 1," TITLE ":" More galleries "}];
Seasonal challenges
Suitable for the activation of Season 1 in Black Ops Cold War start seasonal challenges. In the first-person shooter, you can expect two collections of 20 business cards each (20 for multiplayer mode and 20 for zombies). Every ten season levels, one card is released in both collections. Play up to level 200 to Unlock all seasonal challenges over the course of the season - once you have unlocked them, you can also complete them in future seasons."At the beginning of season 1, your season level will be reset to 1. Class editor items that have been unlocked through your rise in the military ranks will be retained and your progress will continue from the highest prestige level that you reached in the previous season. This season offers four additional prestige levels, which you can reach via the first 200 levels, as well as a new weapon blueprint, "write the developers. At level 50 there is, for example, new prestige, a weapons blueprint and a Battle Pass increment. Whoever reaches level 200, Also bags a master prestige business card. Between levels 250 and 1,000 there is a new prestige key every 50 levels.
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Warzone: This is n eu for the start of Season 1
Just in time for the start of Season 1 in Black Ops Cold War, there are also innovations in Warzone. The Battle Royale shooter "receives a wealth of free content, including a completely new Battle Royale experience: Rebirth Island". The island serves as both a prison and a bioweapons manufacturing and testing facility. Rebirth Island is designed to offer intense close combat combat with a play style similar to Warzone's mini BR mode. The planned lists include 3 and 4 players with fewer players than in Verdansk. At the start of the new map, a time-limited event with 16 challenges begins, which attracts with unlockable business cards, talismans, emblems, stickers and the special machine gun blueprint "Unhealthy".New to Warzone: the map Rebirth Island. Source: Activision The Gulag is also being revised for the Verdansk map in Warone - the previously known map can still be played. "Prisoners in Warzone are now dragged into an interrogation room, tied to a chair and thrown into a brand new gulag - the rules for the 1v1 duels remain the same, but the arena is completely new," the developers promise. And further: "Shoot, hit and throw stones at your opponents on the spectator parapet before you enter the secret training facility below. A new and yet immediately familiar sight awaits you there in a replica of Nuketown, which was built by the Soviets, which is already there Faketown, USA, in Black Ops Cold War. "
A new gulag experience awaits you on Rebirth Island. "Deep below the surface of the prison block on Rebirth Island, prisoners are dragged into a mysterious arena during classic Battle Royale modes. This top-secret location has a dark history. Some inmates were brought here as part of Perseus' plan to keep the Cold War used as a guinea pig, "writes Treyarch. Prisoners start at the end of one of two corridors that run parallel to the central room. "Even if these corridors allow a quick crossing, both are equipped with a metal detector that triggers as soon as an operator crosses it, adding an additional strategic element to this gripping duel for survival", add the developers.
In the start week of Season 1, the new game mode Revival awaits you in Warzone. The mode planned for Rebirth Island uses re-entry as a key element to victory. You have to loot depots and equip yourself as usual to blow other players off the screen. The gulag is closed in this game variant. In the course of the season, the attack helicopter will again be a new vehicle in the Battle Royale shooter. As soon as season 1 begins, the operators Song (NATO), Vargas (Warsaw Pact) and Stitch will be available to you in Warzone. All other Operators included in Black Ops Cold War release will be available in Warzone once you've unlocked their respective challenges. In addition, there are more than 30 weapons from Black Ops Cold War.
New progression system
With the activation of Season 1, a progression system will also be introduced, which the experience points from Cold War, Modern Warfare and Warzone connects with each other. A synchronization of your season levels in all three games according to your season level in Black Ops Cold War is due. All activations in the respective games are retained. At the start of Season 1, playing one of these three games will count towards your player and Battle Pass progress. For example, you can play Cold War and Warzone to collect Battle Pass XP. Or you play Modern Warfare to claim Battle Pass XP to unlock levels in the Season 1 Battle Pass. Note that related Battle Pass rewards are only available in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone.Contents of the Battle Pass System
Treyarch provides the new Battle Pass for Black Ops Cold War before. Source: Activision By playing Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone you can unlock two weapons, additional blueprints, cosmetic content and COD points. "These free tiers also include the largest expansion of the battle songs to date, with hits from the 1980s and a mixtape of Black Ops classics that can be played in any vehicle you drive in Verdansk or Rebirth Island," said Treyarch. At level 39 you will receive a truck vehicle skin for Warzone and a gunboat skin for Black Ops Cold War.At level 90 all players can unlock a clothing set for eagles as well as an operator mission with multiple objectives, provide content for profile personalization. With the purchase of the Battle Pass, the system opens all 100 levels with additional content. In addition to the 1,300 CoD points within the 100 levels, players can unlock the new Operator Stitch, double XP and weapon XP tokens, weapon talismans, watches, stickers, emblems and business cards in the Battle Pass. The developers provide details on the individual stages in the Battle Pass in a current blog entry. There you will also find out which new bundles are available with the start of Season 1. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone are available on PC and consoles.