Are there really those who believe that a vaccinated Lombard is worth more than a Lazio one?

The utterances of MEP Ciocca deserve no comment. If not to ask the government and the commissioner to give the Italians a precise calendar of vaccination windows as soon as possible
“It is unthinkable that Lombardy, which has twice the inhabitants of Lazio, could receive fewer vaccines. Then we need to assess how much the economic importance of the area is. Lombardy, as a matter of fact, is the engine of the whole country. So if a Lombard gets sick it is worth more than if a person from another part of Italy gets sick ". A statement of this kind not only hardly deserves to be reported but not even that an author be attributed to it. Indeed, it is truly miraculous that the planet we share with that Angelo Ciocca, a 45-year-old MEP from Pavia of the Lega, is the same one who managed to churn out three vaccines against Sars-CoV-2 in the space of ten months. And that, with all the difficulties of an epic operation, he turned the light on 2021 and on a way out of the disaster that surrounds us.However, there is only one good lesson that we can draw from these gruesome positions. And silence them. That is, we need a precise plan of the categories that will be invited to be vaccinated. A very clear road map from now on with monthly programming of age groups and different personal conditions, jobs and population groups that will have priority over others. Not the primrose pavilions or the indications pitted in a way that is always a bit confused, press conference after press conference, by the emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri. But precisely an organic calendar that gives every Italian certainty about when it will be - or at least it should be - his turn. Provided, of course, that the supplies of guaranteed doses to our country do not suffer further postponements: we will already have to do without 40 million doses of Sanofi scheduled for the second part of 2021 and we are not certain about the timing of another 40 provided by AstraZeneca, where things should also go better.
We must in short prevent politicians like Ciocca from speculating, in a more or less grotesque way and looking for some title, on these topics. “It is not just a question of Lombardy and Lazio - he added to Radio Capital - it is true for a ministerial or a European bureaucrat, I say first of all private employees. For me, on the other hand, a worker, a warehouse worker, a clerk, a Lombard entrepreneur is worth more than a Roman ministerial. Not because I am angry with him but only that in order to get out of this pandemic we have to invest in public debt and then we have to enable those who produce in the private world to face the public debt ".
On such serious issues there is no room for electoral compulsion: the health and the near future of each of us depend on them, in the North, Center and South. In super-productive and forgotten territories. And by extension to the North and the South of the world: with the logic of the MEP, some African territories would end up, for example, with the vaccines needed for the next global pandemic. Instead, the economically strongest countries will have to take it upon themselves. "The factors that must lead to the distribution of the vaccine must be the number of inhabitants, a proportion between how many inhabitants I have and how many vaccines" added the Northern League to Antenna 3. Not only that: "Then you have to evaluate how much the economic importance of the territory is". Why on earth at this point not to consider the GDP per capita, the spread of high-powered cars, perhaps single-family residential units or the amount of the average receipt in nearby shopping centers? We are beyond the pathetic.
However, it remains intolerable not yet to have an immunization program that gives every Italian an idea of the window in which, if the supplies are respected, it could be his turn. After the health workers, those of the RSA and their elderly guests, it is still dark: "S i will start with the 11 million inhabitants who are over sixty years old, starting from the oldest down. In the second phase of vaccinations, workers who perform essential services that put them at risk will also have to return: law enforcement, schools, public transport and even prisons, "Arcuri explained yesterday. But we need precise numbers, staggered over the months, and which give a clear trace to the population. Not summary lists disclosed briefly to the press.
Also because this too, like the data on infections (for example in schools), is an operation of transparency that will clash with the reality of supplies. Therefore citizens should be helped to orient themselves in the timing, bearing in mind the best and worst possible scenarios. According to the calculations we have made and assuming Pfizer's supplies alone (considering Moderna to arrive) in the first six months, Italy will have just twenty million doses available. Good for just over 10 million Italians. And if AstraZeneca were to make it with limited slippage there would be another 40 million, useful for another 20 million people, perhaps even more considering the half dose of the first administration. Finally, if CureVac (7 million doses by June) and Janssen (14 by the first six months) are on schedule, and everything goes smoothly, then herd immunity in the turn of the summer could be an achievable result. No one has proposed such a calculation in the many press meetings of these days.
The feeling is that this calendar is not yet available even to the commissioner, the CTS or the executive. On the other hand, there are too many variables still hanging: the number of operators, which will not be fully operational before the end of January (we will therefore start with the approximately 4,500 available to the national ASL and then integrate the approximately 16 thousand sought by the calls). The supplies of syringes and other materials, the widespread availability of the refrigerators needed to store the doses. These are all factors on which we could and should work in time, the European Commission had been asking us for this since October and we published the first calls in December: the only variable on the table should have remained that on the supply of vaccines, to be harmonized by counting on a machine ready on day zero. Also to silence those who enjoy building health geographies based on income and productivity.
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