Animal Crossing: New Horizons in December: Fish, Toy Day & Gifts - this is new

Three new insects are also buzzing around in December. So between 7 and 8 a.m. you will discover the sky butterfly, which flutters over your island during this time. For one copy you get 4,000 sternis. Among the marine animals, there is also the lobster, which brings you 4,500 sternis. Aside from the new fish, insects and sea creatures, new events are also waiting for you in December. Christmas is celebrated on December 24th - as Toy Day. In the coming weeks your islands and festival areas will look more and more festive. For example, decorated trees are waiting for you, from which colored tree decorations fall when you shake them. You can use it to decorate your island for the holiday season thanks to new crafting instructions.
From December 1st to December 25th, you can buy toys in Nook's shop and festive clothes in the tailor's shop. On December 24th, Official Toy Day, Chris, a friendly reindeer, will visit each island to give gifts. Anyone who helps them deliver them will also receive a gift. For certain tasks, it is also necessary here that the island's service center has been expanded.
Between December 26th and 31st there will also be various articles for the New Year. And on December 31st, starting at 7:00 p.m. local time, players can look forward to the countdown, where they can start the new year together with their islanders and friends. Specific details about the New Year's Eve in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (buy now € 46.54) should follow in the coming days. We will keep you up to date in our news area.
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