Xbox Series X and PS5: pros and cons according to David Cage

“It's always difficult to compare hardware, as they always have some advantages and disadvantages. It's not just a question of CPU or frequency; it's more about the consistency between the components and the possibilities of guaranteeing more advanced features. The CPU of the two consoles uses the same processor (slightly faster on Xbox Series X), even the Xbox GPU seems more powerful, 16% faster than the PS5 GPU, with 25% faster bandwidth "he declares David Cage.
SSD transfer speed is twice as fast on PS5. Xbox Series X shader cores are also more suitable for machine learning, which could be an advantage if Microsoft can implement an equivalent to Nvidia's DLSS (an advanced neural network for AI), "says Cage. “Overall, I think pure hardware analysis shows Microsoft an advantage, but experience suggests to me that hardware is only part of the equation - Sony has shown in the past that their consoles could handle more games. beautiful because their architecture and software were usually very coherent and efficient ”concludes the CEO of Quantic Dream.
Surely, David Cage is right, with the arrival of PS5 and Xbox Series X | There will be interesting innovations "such as improved NPC intelligence, more realistic animations and better graphics quality, through techniques such as super resolution". However, as usual, the real difference will be the gaming experience offered rather than the features presented on paper and it will be what will lead the gaming audience to make a choice between Xbox Series X | S and PS5 and, why not, maybe the most insatiable will think of taking them both.
The next-gen is upon us, get a PS5 or Xbox Series X | S console by pre-ordering them on Amazon Italy, where you can also find a game to start with like Spider-Man Miles Morales. Keep an eye on these addresses!