Xbox Series X and HDMI 2.0, auto switch from 1440p and 120Hz to 2160p and 60Hz

Although there are problems with some AV receivers, it appears that the Microsoft's new console can handle switching from one display mode to another very casually.
"One of the concerns I had about Xbox Series X is that my TV only supports HDMI 2.0, so gaming at 120 fps it would have been stuck at 1440p resolution, "the user wrote in his post.
" Not a huge problem, as I believe most games at 120 fps won't render still at native 4K, but it bothered me to think of having to change the settings from time to time. "
" Well, I found that Xbox Series X automatically changes the output depending on the game where you set the mode at 1440p and 120 Hz in the menu. "
" I tried Gears 5 at 1440p and 120Hz and then switched to Forza Horizon 4 and in that case the output was switched to 2160p and 60Hz without having to manually change it. "
"The only limitation of this system is when a game supports both display modes. In the case of Gears 5, for example, when engaging in the campaign, the output remains fixed at 1440p. "