Uncharted 5 and mysteries: has Sony shut down the San Diego development team? It seems not

John Bautista's agility in particular, as reported in the article below, seemed to cast shadows on the fate of the team and its mysterious project, but a message added later seems to have clarified the matter at least in part: the San Diego studio is still alive and the project he is working on also appears to be still ongoing, with Bautista explaining how the decision to leave the team was made on the personal level: "Just to clarify, I made the decision to leave due to personal issues. As far as I know, the team is still active and the project is ongoing," he later wrote, clarifying the q question.
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Original article:
The situation is rather strange also because in fact this team was never officially announced, but it clearly emerged from a series of internal organization maneuvers and above all from a series of recruitments made based in San Diego from Sony. Within the team seemed to converge several developers who have previously dedicated themselves to the Uncharted series, such as the ex Naughty Dog Zak Oliver, which made it seem that this alleged studio was dedicating itself to a new chapter in the series. >
Among the hypotheses there was in fact the idea that the team was some kind of support for Naughty Dog and could be working on Uncharted 5, or something like that, even if it is only guesswork. In any case, it seems that the matter did not work and the exit from the scene before Quentin Cobb, one of the most important profiles included in the alleged team, and then John Bautista suggest that the studio may have even been closed.
Bautista's farewell message sounds particularly clear: "Last day at Sony SD. It's been an incredible journey, with fantastic company, but things didn't work out this time around. Having said that, I'm proud of what we were able to achieve at the expense of the madness we went through. More news will come soon! Bonus: I can get back to working on my YouTube series! "
Bautista's message seems to indicate quite clearly that some project it must not have been successful in Sony, so we are waiting to find out more as news is also indicated.
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