Twitch, Pokimane responds to transphobia allegations for some messages on Discord

Pokimane's Discord assigns a specific role to women, who must speak in voice chat to confirm their sexual identity. This is obviously a security system to prevent some jokey user from pretending to be a woman.
A mod, however, refused the registration as a woman to a trans girl, only to drop the blame on Pokimane, stating that he was just following his orders. The trans girl tried to register several times, ending up banned from the server.
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Naturally the controversy immediately broke out on social media and Pokimane was accused of being a TERF (the same accusation received by J.K. Rowling). Pokimane replied that everyone in his community is welcome and that he spoke with the moderator in question to clarify the matter. She also contacted the trans girl, SHSLChris directly, to sort out and welcome her to her community.
Pokimane: "Everyone needs to be welcomed with open arms into my community, no matter gender or gender. I'm so sorry someone felt left out, especially from a mod. It's not okay and I'll cure myself to handle the situation. "
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Needless to say, the mod in question has lost its role, because it seems to have interpreted the rules in its own way.