The Chamber approved the Zan bill against homotransphobia

The bill of the Democratic Party deputy was approved after months of amendments and controversies: if it passes also to the Senate, it will change article 604 of the penal code
(photo: MARVIN RECINOS / AFP / Getty Images) After months of amendments, discussions and postponements due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Zan bill (bill) to combat homolesbobitransphobia, misogyny and abilities - that is, respectively, discriminatory attitudes towards the LGBT community + , women and people with disabilities - was approved by the Chamber of Deputies. The text was voted by secret ballot, obtaining 265 votes in favor, 193 against and one abstention, thus passing to the Senate. Five Forza Italia deputies expressed themselves in favor, departing from their own center-right group, which had presented itself today in the courtroom at Montecitorio wearing gags. A protest that cost the group a recall from the Speaker of the House Roberto Fico.For some time now, the representatives of the center-right have been arguing against what (according to them) would be the numerous risks of the Zan bill: from gender indoctrination in schools and to the outright encouragement of "pedophilia" up to a liberticidal effect on the freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution - because, according to what the deputy of Forza Italia Edmondo Cirielli said, "discrimination is an opinion".
As explained to Repubblica by Alessandro Zan, "Italy was in 35th place in Europe for LGBT + social acceptance, this standard will be among the most advanced in Europe". However, despite the victory in Montecitorio, the parliamentary battle for the bill is by no means over, indeed. At the next passage to the Senate the numbers of the majority in favor will be much more limited and, if amendments are made, the text will be forced to go back to the Chamber's scrutiny.
The main points of the Zan bill
Art. 1 of the bill amends art. 604 bis of the Criminal Code, adding among the crimes of propaganda and incitement to crime for reasons of racial, ethnic and religious discrimination, punishable by imprisonment, also acts of violence or incitement to violence and discrimination "based on sex, gender , on sexual orientation, on gender identity or on disability ”. Art. 2 of the provision, therefore, by amending art. 604 ter of the Criminal Code, includes gender identity and disability also among the aggravating circumstances of the crime.A program will be set up for the creation, throughout the national territory, of centers against discrimination motivated by sexual orientation and gender identity ", which will have to guarantee" adequate legal, health, psychological, social mediation and, where necessary, adequate accommodation and food conditions for the victims of the crimes envisaged by article 604-bis of the criminal code ". To achieve this, the allocation of a fund of 4 million euros was approved.
Art. 3 of the bill was reformulated with respect to the original version presented to parliament in 2018: "For the purposes of this law, the free expression of beliefs or opinions as well as legitimate conduct attributable to pluralism of ideas or freedom of choices are reserved, provided that not suitable for determining the concrete danger of committing discriminatory or violent acts ". That is, freedom of expression must never cross over into incitement to hatred and violence.
A recent amendment drafted by the Democratic Party also proposes to initiate the fight against homolesbobitransphobia, misogyny and abilities right from the school, with "educational initiatives" implemented in institutions of all types and levels . Every 17 May, on the occasion of what has been recognized as the National Day against homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia and transphobia, "ceremonies, meetings and any other useful initiative will be organized, also by public administrations and in schools "to" promote a culture of respect and inclusion as well as to combat prejudice, discrimination and violence motivated by sexual orientation and gender identity ".