RoscoPC's “Scassoncini”: March 751

Welcome (and welcome back) to this new installment of the RoscoPC Gli Scassoncini series, in which every week we talk about one of the Formula 1 car models in 1:27 scale by RoscoPC, we tell you how it is built and we give you a whole range of information on the car that inspired the model and many other things. In the following article, you will find as always:
fact sheet of the real car from which the model is inspired a mini-review of the model RoscoPC's comments on which are the most difficult tips & tricks on which to use is found having to work for each model curiosity and info on the process that RoscoPC follows to design and build the models the comparison with the "big sister" in 1: 8 scale info and links to build the models (1:27 and 1: 8 ) Follow us on this new stage of our journey through the history of Formula 1!
Read also: RoscoPC's “Scassoncini”: the bricks hit the track!
March 751, scale 1:27
The second model we are going to discover together is that of a 1975 car of British origin: the March 751.Technical characteristics (real car)
Year: 1975 Info: Formula 1 car designed by Robin Herd Drivers: Lella Lombardi, Vittorio Brambilla, Hans-Joachim Stuck, Mark Donohue Engine: Ford Cosworth DFV, V8, 3000 cc , 465 HP(Credit photo: and
March 751 in bricks
This second model we built is made up of 193 pieces and like the previous one includes a whole series of particular construction techniques and the use of some pieces in ways that they are absolutely not what they were originally intended for (such as the minifigure roller skates to represent the rear brake piston calipers).Construction is as always very smooth and requires only a some manual skills and practice in certain passages. It starts from the chassis and "climbs" by building the first part of the passenger compartment sides, immediately passing to the rear part of the chassis, the rear axle and the engine block, including the reproduction of the two cooling radiators.
We then move on to the nose, with a very characteristic and rounded shape, which once made will join the rest of the frame built in the previous steps and which will be held in position by the front axle shaft, including the latter of the "hubs" for the wheels. A couple of more details and the nose is practically finished.
Let's go back to the rear and complete the engine, to make which they are used to represent the intake ducts ... well: the image explains much better than a thousand words!
We return for the last time to the construction of the central part and complete the sides and the cockpit, completing it with the addition of the air intake above the driver's helmet.
Curiosity: in addition to Vittorio Brambilla, a DOC from Monza who grew up on bread and the racetrack, one of the drivers was Lella Lombardi, the second woman in Italy to drive a Formula 1 single-seater, but the only one to reach the points and the one who contested the most Grand Prizes (12 against the 4 of Maria Teresa de Filippis, who preceded it in the 1950s).
At this point we move on to the construction of the rear wing, then fixing it in position
We add the wheels (after mounting the tires on the resp these circles) and the construction of the model is finished.
There is still one last step, which is always the most difficult: the application of the adhesives. IMPORTANT! The stickers are exclusively those of the sponsors. The bodywork is made in the colors of the team's livery and the sponsors' logos are applied to the latter. The procedure is always the same: a little patience, a good tweezer and even the stickers go into place, finalizing the model.
The numbers
Pieces: 193 Measurements: length 17.9 cm, 7.0 cm wide, 5.6 cm high% LEGO Technic elements: 7%RoscoPC's corner
CulturaPop: What were the most difficult details to reproduce on this scale? RoscoPC: as always, the general goal is to find the right compromise between the small size and the number of details that can be adequately represented. This car started from the chassis of a re-adapted Formula 2, so it is much narrower and lower than the other F1 cars of the time, and can be seen in the junction of the sides towards the front, where the model is only 3 studs wide. CulturaPop: what detail or detail are you most satisfied with being able to reproduce? RoscoPC: The rear of this model is very crowded. In addition to the aforementioned brake calipers, the two exhaust terminals, the suspension tie rods (with a curious convergent trend) and even the anti-roll bar appear. Nice to be able to fit everything, including the two additional radiators on the sides of the gearbox! CulturaPop: is there a particular construction technique that you had to invent to reproduce a particular or a detail of this model? RoscoPC: I have already copied the brake calipers, while the quarter-circle tiles representing the characteristic cooling intakes of the front brakes I have used on other models but at the rear, where their use was more widespread.The design
Second step: collect information, data, measurements and images.
Once the model to be reproduced has been identified, the first thing to do is to retrieve and collect as much information as possible about the real car.Photos and videos of Formula 1 cars are relatively easy to find on the web, but it is much more difficult to find the details of what is hidden under the body: official data regarding the main dimensions of the chassis, suspension geometry, engine configuration, etc. Only a few of the great teams and brands of the past still race in Formula 1 or have an official website, and even comparing different sources and books can lead to inconsistent results and data. However, such information, technical drawings and blueprints are required to proceed with the design of a new MOC (My Own Creation).
March 751, scale 1: 8
The older sister of this model was designed and built by RoscoPC in 2015. It is a model made with mixed technique and elements, LEGO System for bodywork, ailerons and other aesthetic elements and LEGO Technic for chassis, suspension, engine and everything else. mechanical components (exhausts, manifolds, etc.). The features:wheels (front) steering working suspensions V8 engine 1,663 pieces year 2015 measures 61.1 cm long, 22.4 cm wide and 16.2 cm high rear stabilizer bar
(Credit photo:
Curiosity: to simulate the front anti-roll bar which has an arched shape, RoscoPC used two silver colored whips (accessory for / of the LEGO minifigures), which appeared in a 2006 Bionicle set, the LEGO Bionicle 8894 set - Piraka Fortress
(Credit photo:
Instructions and parts lists
The instructions for building the two versions (Scassoncino 1:27 and Scassone 1: 8) can be purchased on the website and in the “product sheet” of each model you will also find links to purchase the bricks and the elements needed to build them. The instructions also include a PDF file for printing the stickers needed to complete the car livery at home. Alternatively, it is possible to request and purchase the same stickers printed and pre-cut on vinyl paper sheets by sending an email to luca.rusconi@roscopc.itMarch 751, scale 1:27 March 751, scale 1: 8 We look forward to seeing you next week with a new episode and a new Burglar to be discovered!