PS5: PS Plus Collection on Ebay, Sony wields the ban hammer

Some users seem an attractive one To smell business and offer the PS Plus Collection on auction platforms for Ebay. The game collections are available online for the equivalent of 7 to 10 euros. When making a purchase, users should send their login data for their PSN profile to the seller on whom the PS Plus Collection is to be activated. The vendors promise to activate the collection for the buyer within a few minutes - some sellers already have more than 50 "orders". In order to play the games from the collection, buyers need an active PS Plus membership.
As Video Games Chronicle reports in relation to a Chinese forum, Sony is said to have already started to grant individual accounts from the PlayStation Network banish - both buyer and seller profiles are reportedly affected. While buyers should get a two-month ban, involved PS5 users get a lifelong ban, as it is reported. However, it is also assumed that Sony generally blocks console profiles that log into numerous PSN accounts over a short period of time. Among other things, this is intended to prevent account sharing. (buy now )
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