play podcast # 248: Depressed cuddly monsters and slippery Vikings

Then the big question and answer session begins, because we didn't get to the last podcast and now have community contributions from two episodes in our luggage. As it should be, Sascha and Chris digress at times. Well, that was to be expected.
You can find our Spotify playlist here: Debil & Durstig (play podcast)
Listen to the new episode right here!
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The topics of issue 248:
00:00:00 - Intro and greeting
00:00:00 - Bugsnax
00:08: 18 - Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
00:28:19 - Community
The next issue of the play podcast will be released on December 14.
All information about the play podcast
The play podcast is available on many different platforms - completely free of charge everywhere, of course! You can find us on:Spotify TuneIn Stitcher Google Podcasts Apple Podcasts YouTube PlayerFM PodBean Pocket Casts Overcast CastBox Podcast Addict Podimo If you have any questions about the podcast, just ask us in the forum, in the comments section on YouTube or on our Facebook page.
Have fun with the podcast,
your play4 team
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