Nightmare - From the Deep of the Night: the blu-ray edition of the film by Wes Craven

The blu-ray edition, in addition to containing the remastered film made very enjoyable and fluid, contains many unmissable special contents that clarify and add even more questions to the story of Freddy Krueger and his unfortunate victims. For better or for worse, we all know the story of the scary Freddy Krueger, the man with the disfigured face who, due to the horrors he committed when he was alive, is doomed to be a demon who haunts his young victims in dreams.
The Nightmare Film - From the Deep of the Night
The Nightmare Film - From the Deep of the Night is the first film in the saga dedicated to the character of Freddy Krueger. The film lays the foundation for an understanding of the story that will tie all the films that are part of the Nightmare series. In this specific case, the story follows the events of Nancy and her group of friends who, suddenly, are persecuted, within their dreams, by a monstrous being, with a disfigured face and a large glove full of knives worn on the his right hand. Nancy and her friends will try to understand the truth behind this dark and scary figure thirsty for blood and revenge. It will be a difficult mission to complete, especially due to the psychological pressure that the children will have to suffer, also due to the lack of sleep, of course.The f ranchise born from the 1984 film by Wes Craven, has become a real cult for lovers of the 1980s horror genre. There are six films made starring Freddy and his sharp glove, but if we also count Nightmare - New Nightmare, Freddy Vs Jason and the remake of the first film Nightmare - On Elm Street, the films arrive at nine and offer fluctuating emotions, not always reaching the apex of terror, indeed. Some of the films in the saga could have been avoided, but the first film is absolutely unmissable and the new Warner edition cannot be missing from your personal video library.
In addition to containing the film Nightmare - From the Deep of the Night, the blue -ray contains a lot of special content which you can find described below.
Special Content
Technical Comments, Funny Anecdotes, Extras
The two technical comments for this movie are a real gem, thanks to this we are able to discover what lies behind the making of the film. The comments are made by Wes Craven himself who leads us by the hand in the deeper understanding of one of his most emblematic and famous films. The funny anecdotes and some extras can be activated while watching the film, these will appear in the form of subtitles and are really very pleasant because they deepen and also lighten the tension that the film gives to the viewer.We advise you to activate them. , however, only if you have already seen the film and want to deepen certain passages. For newbies who still do not know the saga or who simply do not remember it well, we recommend watching the film first and then a rewatch in which all the extras and technical comments are inserted.
The New Line's Horror Legacy
New Line Cinema, which started out as an independent niche production house, producing mostly horror films, has become a leader in the industry, even taking over production of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. But Nightmare has changed and completely revolutionized the history of New Line.In the years in which the saga reached its maximum success, the production company assumed more and more power in the international cinema scene. The short documentary traces the history of New Line from Wes Craven's film through other great hits of the 90s and the unexpected success of David Fincher's Blade and Seven, the thriller film that revolutionized genre and audience.
The Origins of Wes Craven's Nightmares
This in-depth documentary talks about how Wes Craven approached the horror genre and how some choices in his life were influenced by his vision of reality. The concept of Nightmare, for Craven, becomes of profound importance and generates a lot of anxiety in the director, at the same time a lot of charm. The experts and critics, called to take part in the interviews contained in this documentary, deepen the theme of nightmares. There are also many references and parallels that can be made with ancient Celtic cultures, with the bible and also with cultures far from us both for historical time and geographical distance.The documentary talks about some civilizations ancient used to educate the little ones to have lucid dreams. The director and the other interviewees, then, also reflect on why the human being should dream. There are many cultural references in this series of very interesting interviews that make the reader reflect on the importance of the dream of culture of all times. Surely this is the most interesting documentary contained in the Warner Blu-ray edition, it is really worth reflecting and understanding the importance of dreams in popular culture, not just in Wes Craven's film.
Never Sleep Again: Making Of
Nightmare is a milestone in horror cinema, iconic also thanks to the characterization of the main character, Freddy Krueger. He is absolutely emblematic and has become a classic monster in the history of cinema, on a par with Dracula and The Creature of Frankenstein. This making of explains all the background of the making of the film and also all the cultural antecedents of the great director Wes Craven, his training and his personal and professional growth, essential to understand the true essence of the horror film in question.Furthermore, thanks to this documentary, we also learn about the real fact that inspired Wes Craven for the making of the film. The late director read an article in the Los Angeles Times about a boy of Cambodian descent who fled to the United States with his family. This young man was haunted by horrible nightmares that had led him to the total denial of sleep. The boy used a lot of caffeine to stay awake (just like the protagonists of the film do) but, the parents' great concern for his lack of sleep, led his father to give him sleeping pills, against the boy's will.
The young Cambodian in fact, repeated to his parents that he was persecuted and that he had fallen asleep he would die. Just that happened, the young man, once he fell asleep, died in the middle of the night after breaking the silence of sleep with a heartbreaking scream.
Alternative Endings
The blu-ray edition of Nightmare - From the Deep of the Night offers three unmissable alternative endings. We have a scary ending lasting one minute and thirty-nine seconds, an unlikely and very funny happy ending that lasts a minute and a half and finally the ending that our dear Freddy would have wanted ... you can imagine what it is.Obviously we will not spoil ourselves on these alternative endings and we invite you to purchase the blu-ray to discover all the special contents, the comments and simply relive the adventure of Nancy and her friends who fight against the ruthless demon Freddy Krueger.
To purchase the special Warner Bros. Blu-ray edition of Nightmare - From the Deep of the Night, go to this link