In the Lodi area there will be the first renewable energy community of Sorgenia

Distributed generation represents one of the pillars of the energy transition. The Digital Energy Company project starts in Lombardy: green energy shared and completely free for the administrations and inhabitants of two municipalities in the Lodi area
(photo by schropferoval from Pixabay) The first renewable energy community project will rise in Turano Lodigiano and Bertonico (Rec) made by Sorgenia. A few days after the signing of the decree that allows our country to launch the experimentation to create the Rec and promote collective self-consumption, the Digital Energy Company illustrated the first of a series of interventions that it will carry out in the coming months.Protagonists of the energy community, an innovative way of producing energy from renewable sources and sharing it, are some public buildings in Turano Lodigiano and Bertonico. Sorgenia has started the construction of five photovoltaic plants in the two municipalities, where it has been present for years with one of its latest generation thermoelectric plants.
The initiative, developed in agreement with the local administrations, will allow the energy community to receive 100% green energy. The systems will be installed on the covered areas of the sports field and on the Turano Lodigiano gym, above the canteen and on the Bertonico Post Office and Civil Protection building. This project will allow both to produce the energy necessary to meet the needs of the two municipalities, and to make the excess available to some families of the two communities. The Recs, in fact, allow to share the green energy produced without burdening the national grid, making widespread production possible through a sustainable model, capable of reducing transport costs as well as dispersions along the network. Sorgenia will provide the technological solutions to manage the energy community, optimizing production and self-consumption.
The CEO of Sorgenia, Gianfilippo Mancini, said: “Energy communities are the plastic example of how digital can profoundly transform the world of energy. This is a very interesting frontier for a company like ours:
we aim to actively stimulate the birth of Rec, identifying the most suitable districts and designing customized solutions. We are faced with a model that puts people at the center, transforming them into conscious protagonists of the energy transition ".
" As a municipal administration we wanted to go beyond the provisions of the convention that regulates relations between Sorgenia and the Municipality, to open new horizons of collaboration. We are proud that, thanks to the contribution of Sorgenia, our territory is a candidate to be an excellence in the field of renewable energy ", said Emiliano Lottaroli, Mayor of Turano Lodigiano.