DIRT 5 better on PS5 than on Xbox Series X according to Digital Foundry, Codemasters intervenes

DIRT 5 better on PS5 than on Xbox Series X according to Digital Foundry, Codemasters intervenes
DIRT 5 runs better on PS5 than on Xbox Series X, according to what was reported in the technical analysis carried out by Digital Foundry, which compared the two versions of the game, but a Codemasters developer also intervened on the subject to ensure a next Xbox version performance fix.

As we saw yesterday, Digital Foundry's technical analysis revealed the differences between the PS5 version and the Xbox Series X version for Dirt 5 in a mode 120 fps, which shows a sharp decline in graphics quality on the Microsoft console which is clearly visible in some situations.

Robert Karp, dev director of Codemasters responsible for Dirt 5, and previously producer of Sony XDev Europe, spoke on the question, stating that these are technical issues that will be resolved through updates.

Asked, Karp reported seeing the Digital Foundry video and, although he did appreciated the technical analysis, he specified that many of the problems highlighted will be resolved: "This is not the final result, we already have an update in the works that fixes many of the things that are shown in the video as well as others. We also have a big plan for post launch support, so stay tuned, "reads his tweet.

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In what seems to be a private conversation, on which however we have no official confirmation, it seems that Karp has reported that it is "probably true" that Xbox Series X is still the most powerful console , but who had to work on a partial version of the hardware and in a limited time, reiterating that there is already a patch coming that should solve several negative aspects that emerged.

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Original article:

After an initial enthusiastic analysis of DIRT 5 on Xbox Series X, the English newspaper has checked other aspects of the production unfortunately finding some bugs and relevant deficiencies .

Specifically, at 60 fps the game behaves very similarly on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, with a slight advantage of the Sony platform in some situations in terms of resolution and frame rate.

But when you switch to 120 fps mode, the situation changes substantially and PS5 is significantly superior in terms of visual quality, so much so that Digital Foundry thinks it may be a bug of the Xbox version.

Speaking of 120 fps, on Xbox Series S this mode runs at only 600p, while in all other situations it travels on 1080p quite solidly.


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