Demons Souls: World tendency and character tendency explained - tips

Demon's souls world tendency

In Demon's Souls Remake for PS5, the world tendency for the five worlds of the wedge stones and the character tendency also play a major role. Although the developers at Bluepoint Games promised to make both features more beginner-friendly, as in the PS3 original of the Dark Souls predecessor, many questions remain unanswered. We provide you with tips on the World Tendency and Character Tendency and explain how you influence them. The influence of the server median on world trends should also be taken into account. In an interview with Polygon, Gavin Moore of Bluepoint Games explains: "Changing the level of the world trend for light and dark triggers a few events. When you play online, the actions of all players add up and influence the tendencies, which makes the game more unpredictable."

Reading tip: Demon's Souls - Locations for the ceramic coins for the secret door

The world trend

So if you want to proceed systematically in terms of world trends, you should at least for the part of Pure White Better to play World Tendency offline. The influence of the Demon's Souls servers is thus excluded and you comfortably handle all events for possible PS5 trophies. Only then should you tackle Pure Black events, as you can reach the dark extreme more easily. Incidentally, the five worlds of the wedge stones do not influence each other. For example, if you kill an invader in the tower of Latria, the world trend only changes there. The effects will only be activated once you return to the Nexus. So if you die in human form in a level, this only affects the world trend as soon as you actively return to the Nexus. On the other hand, if you die in human form in the nexus, this has no effect on the tendency of any world.

Demon's Souls - world tendency & character tendency

1 The world tendency 1.1 Effects of the world tendencies 1.2 Pure white world tendency - this is how you shift the tendency 1.3 Pure black world tendency - this is how you shift the tendency 2 The character tendency 2.1 Effects of the character tendency 2.2 Effects of the character tendency on special weapons.

Effects of the World Tendencys

In the following you will find the effects of the shifts in the world tendency in the PS5 remake to Demon's Souls listed.

World tendency effect white / pure white Opponents have less HP as well as attack power and defense. Defeated opponents drop less upgrade material. Defeated opponents drop more healing items. Attack power in soul form is increased, 10 percent for the white world trend, 20 percent for the pure white tendency. Attack power is also influenced by the corresponding character tendency. Ceramic coins for the new secret door appear under boxes and barrels. Certain events in the levels take place at Pure White Tendency. black / pure black Opponents have more HP, attack power and defense. Defeated enemies give more souls. Defeated enemies drop more rare items. Black phantoms instead of normal enemies and NPCs spawn in certain areas. Black phantoms of normal opponents offer a 100 percent drop chance of their normal items. Primeval demons appear at fixed positions in the levels. Maximum HP of your character in soul form is reduced. Certain events in the levels take place at Pure Black Tendency. Ceramic coins appear under barrels and boxes.

Pure white world trend - this is how you shift the tendency

With the following actions you move the world trend of the corresponding wedge stones in the white direction.

Kill a boss in a world The red dragon in 1-2 (Palace of Boletaria) Kill the blue dragon in 1-4 (Palace of Boletaria) Kill black phantoms of the following NPCs during the pure black world trend: Executioner Miralda (Palace of Boletaria 1-1), Scirvir, The Wanderer (stone trap catacomb 2-2 ), Lord Rydell (Tower of Latria 3-1), Satsuki (Shrine of Storms 4-1), Selen Vinland (Valley of Desecration 5-2) Kill a Primeval Demon (one per world per round) Kill an Invader Warning: If you die in human form in a world, the tendency shifts in the black direction! A pure white world tendency is then difficult to achieve. Best to return to the Nexus and let your character commit suicide. This prevents accidental death in one of the Keilstein worlds.

Purely black world trend - this is how you shift the tendency

The following actions shift the world trend in the corresponding keilstein in the black direction.

Die in human form outside the Nexus' Kill the old King Doran Kill special NPCs in human form in pure white world tendency: Executioner Miralda (Palace of Boletaria 1-1), Scirvir, The Wanderer * (Stone Catching Catacomb 2-2) , Blue Phantom Lord Rydell * (Tower of Latria 3-1), Satsuki (Shrine of Storms 4-1), Selen Vinland * (Valley of Desecration 5-2) (*) If you kill one of the NPCs, your character tendency will also be in shifted the black direction.

The character tendency

In the remake of Demon's Souls (buy now € 74.64), your character tendency is calculated based on your actions. This is a kind of karma system that gives you advantages and disadvantages. Just like the world trend, you influence the character trend between pure white and pure black. The white direction gives you more attack power, in the direction of black your HP bar in soul form drops again. We list the effects that are caused by a certain character tendency in Demon's Souls. If you kill black phantoms from NPCs or invaders, you move the character tendency in the white direction. On the other hand, if you kill NPCs or traders or the host in a world that you invaded, you shift the tendency in the black direction.

Effects of the character tendency

The following effects attract a certain character tendency Demon's Souls after himself.

Character tendency Effect pure white Talk to the mighty (monumental) in the Nexus and he gives you the Friend's Ring attack power in soul form increased (10 percent for white, 20 percent for pure white / adds to the Influence of the world trend) Attack power increased as a blue phantom in another world. Black Maximum HP in soul form reduced to 47.5 percent. Pure black Maximum HP in soul form reduced to 45 percent. NPC Mephistopheles appears on the second floor of the Nexus after you have freed and killed Yurt in the tower of Latria 3-2. You can get assassin quests from the Damer. Attack power when invading as Black Phantom is increased. The following actions have no effect on the character tendency:

F inal action that leads to the death of an NPC, blue phantom or black phantom: Soulsucker, Poison Cloud, Death Cloud or environmental skill through fall damage, fire, poison or plague. Warning: world trend effects are still triggered by NPC deaths. Death of the following NPCs: Executioner Miralda in (Palace of Boletaria 1-1) with pure white tendency, Old King Doran (Palace of Boletaria 1-1), Ostrava, black phantom (Palace of Boletaria 1-4), Yurt, the Silent Chief (Tower of Latria 3-2), Satsuki at Pur White Tendency (Shrine of Storms 4-1), Garl Vinland (Valley of Desecration 5-3), Garl Vinland as a black phantom with pure white tendency (Valley of Desecration 5-3) 3) Death of the following Black Phantom NPCs: two phantoms in the lizard cave of the stone trap catacomb in 2-2, three phantoms after the penetrator boss fight in the palace of Boletaria 1-4.

Effects of the character tendency on special weapons.

The character tendency also affects the special weapons Soulbrandt, Demonbrandt and Northern Regalia. You use the Demonbrandt weapon if the tendency is white for bonus damage, Soulbrandt if the tendency is black. If you combine both Brandt swords, you get Northern Regalia, which promises bonus damage for every extreme tendency. The following overview from the old Demon's Souls Wiki shows you guide values.

Weapon Pur black Neutral Pur white Demonbrandt Phy: -130, Mag: -110 0 Phy: +130, Mag: +110 Soulbrandt Phy: + 120, Mag: +130 0 Phy: -120, Mag: -130 Northern Regalia Phy: +135, Mag: +135 0 Phy: +135, Mag: +135

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