A .new domain for pizza (and many more)

.new domains for everyone: Google and new registrations
Among these there is also pizza.new which once typed in the address bar points towards the Domino's portal. Others worth noting include photo.new registered by Adobe to launch Photoshop Express and random.new which sends the user to a random website. Below is a list with some of the new additions, each accompanied by the applicant reality and a brief description.AdPlugg: ad.new (online advertising creation); Adzily: ads.new (creation of advertising campaigns); Bewirtungsbeleg: bewirtung.new (issue of invoices); Bill.com: inbox.new (payments to international suppliers); Burner: burner.new, number.new, phonenumber.new (telephone user creation); Charter Host: vps.new (creation of virtual servers); ConvertKit: landingpage.new (landing page creation); Discover Card: creditcard.new (credit card creation); Find Jobs: job.new, jobs.new (publication of job advertisements); HoneyBook: emailsignature.new (create signature by email); Hong Kong Company Incorporation: company.new (company creation in Hong Kong); Inspirational People: ip.new (inspirational content editor); Nicejob: review.new (reviews for local businesses); Segment: cdp.new (creation of a virtual workspace); UL LLC: ghs.new, sds.new (OSHA SDS document creation); Adobe: photo.new, photoshop.new (image editing); Facet: facet.new (image editing); File.new: file.new (quick creation of annotations); hipherd: travel.new (travel planning); Kniterate: knit.new, wear.new (design creation for knitwear); Ultimate Guitar: chord.new, chords.new, tab.new, tabs.new (added guitar tab to the archive); Agenda Hero: agenda.new (creation of agendas); Carotrip: go.new (booking cars or other means of transport); CodeSandbox: react.new (online project creation); CompuSport: league.new (league management); Dropbox: paper.new (workspace creation); Linear.app: linear.new (start insurance practices); Supermove: move.new (organization of removals); Tanadium Pte. Ltd .: comments.new (added comments to sites); CodeSandbox: vue.new, ts.new, ng.new (creation of VUE, Javascript and Angular projects); Data World: datacatalog.new (creation of data catalogs); Editor X: editorx.new (site creation); Ionic: ionic.new (cross platform app creation); Microsoft: dotnet.new (.NET application test); Pwabbit: pwa.new (site creation); Railway: dev.new (Railway creation); REPL: repl.new (creation and compilation of bash script); Runkit: folder.new (API project start); BibGuru: citation.new (added citations to bibliographies); Dominos: pizza.new (pizza order); Framery: officephonebooth.new (creation of collaborative workstations for the office) Packlane: box.new (creation of decorated boxes for business); TheRealReal: authenticate.new, consign.new (luxury goods delivery); Random.new: random.new (redirect to a random site); theMemories: lifestories.new (service to tell someone's personal story). After obtaining the TLD in 2018, Google reserved some .new domains, associating them with its services. For example, meet.new immediately starts a meeting on Meet, while cal.new inserts an event on Calendar and doc.new opens the editor to create a document.
Source: Google Registry