Xbox Series X sold out in Japan, will it be a success in Asia?

To confirm this was directly Amazon Japan, which stated how the second wave of Xbox Series X reservations have gone out of stock. The situation does not concern only the Microsoft flagship console, but also the Xbox Series S shortly after it followed in the footsteps of the major platform and at the moment in Japanese soil it is no longer possible to book the two next gen consoles on Amazon.
The situation is the same even outside of digital stores such as Amazon, as even the main Japanese electronics chains such as: Yodobashi, Softmap and BicCamera have confirmed that they have run out of all their initial Xbox Series X and S stocks after only a few hours after the opening of pre-orders. A sudden change of gear for Microsoft in Japan, especially considering how Xbox One has performed in the Japanese market.
Xbox Series X | S are thrilling not only us Europeans and the hard core of American players, but the excellent work proposed by Microsoft in recent months is already paying off the efforts with excellent pre-order results on Japanese soil. What do you think of the Xbox Series X sold out | S in Japan? Were you able to book one of the two Microsoft consoles? Tell us yours with a comment.
We remind you that on Amazon Italy it is still possible to book Xbox Series S in two editions at the following addresses: Xbox Series S and Xbox Series S with a second controller.