Xbox Series X and S: the new interface is already available on Xbox One, with the October update

With the October update comes the New Xbox Experience, which includes a total overhaul of the user interface at different levels of Xbox One and which will then be that of Xbox Series X, in optics of the absolute continuity chosen by Microsoft regarding the user experience from Xbox One to Xbox Series X and Series S.
We do not yet know exactly when the update will be made available to everyone, for the moment the tweet of Harrison Hoffman, head of the Xbox user interface, only reports that the October update is starting its rollout from today, therefore in a rather short time it should reach all users, since there is no talk of limitations i reserved for Xbox Insiders.
Among the novelties there is obviously the new aspect, with a general reorganization of windows, tiles and options according to the graphics chosen for the next gen, the ability to customize the profile with different times, a new login animation, additional translations in various other languages and apparently also several improvements in terms of performance, which should make the use of the dashboard and system software faster and smoother.
As for the details on the New Xbox Experience, we refer you to the news on the August 2020 update with the new dashboard for insiders, which should correspond to this one in October for all users, while we remind you that the video with the startup sequence took a first look at the Xbox Series X dashboard, which should match.
The #Xbox October Update starts rolling out today, featuring lots of new goodness, including:
🎮 A fresh look and feel
🎮 Profile Themes
🎮 New sign-in experience
🎮 Language support for Czech, Greek, Hungarian, and Slovak
🎮 Performance improvements
🎮 ... and more!
- Harrison Hoffman (@harrisonhoffman) October 13, 2020