The Return of the King tonight on Italia 2

The appointment is set at about 9.10 pm as mentioned on Italia 2 for the film version of the film lasting about 200 minutes.
Here is a short synopsis of Il Return of the King:
Defeated Saruman, the army of Rohan, led by King Theoden, Aragorn and Gandalf, returns to the palace of Edoras. But there is no time for celebrations. Sauron's forces move towards Minas Tirith. The kingdom of Gondor, and with it the fate of the peoples of Middle-earth, is on the brink of the abyss. As Gandalf, along with Pippin, rides towards the white city, Aragorn is finally ready to accept his destiny as king. Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam, led by Gollum, reach Minas Morgul. From there, having crossed the summit of Cirth Ungol, they will enter the kingdom of Mordor ...
Released in December 2003 in the United States and January 2004 in Italy, The Return of the King obtained 11 Oscar nominations, winning 11 statuettes including best film, direction, costumes, scenography, screenplay, editing, make-up, soundtrack, song, sound, visual effects.
The Return of the King and the Amazon TV series on The Lord of the Rings.
The Lord of the Rings TV series will be a prequel to the facts seen with the two Peter Jackson trilogies, as it will be set during the second era, known for creating the infamous rings of power. It is produced by Amazon Studios in collaboration with Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins and New Line Cinema, with JD Payne and Patrick McKay serving as writers and directors.Meet our Fellowship.
- The Lord of the Rings on Prime (@LOTRonPrime) July 27, 2019
Buy The Lord of the Rings the complete trilogy and extended to blu-ray.