SwiftKey and W10 together thanks to Your Phone?

SwiftKey notes also on Windows 10?
Rumors have been circulating about the possibility of seeing a feature launch soon inedita dedicated to the synchronization of the notes between the smartphone and the computer. If this happens, it will be through the application Il Tuo Telefono (Your Phone in English) already at the base of the cross platform experience created in collaboration with Samsung and destined to embrace the devices of other manufacturers.According to the portal German WinFuture, the new beta of SwiftKey packaged by Microsoft includes a feature that allows you to perform the operation by leveraging the cloud for loading and transferring items. At the moment it is not known whether it is exclusively an experimental feature or when it will eventually be made available to everyone following the necessary testing phase.
Some privacy concerns will also be resolved. An application dedicated to the smartphone keyboard by its very nature manages information and data of a confidential nature: from messages to passwords.
A new confirmation of how Microsoft is looking at the mobile universe with increasing interest, as already done with the recent launch of the dual screen Surface Duo designed to offer an experience close to that of Windows 10 in terms of productivity despite the device being based on Android.
Source: WinFuture.de