Revolut gives an exclusive discount on Zalando!

Revolut is a small revolution in the field of prepaid cards, as it manages to combine the prepaid card tool with commission-free use, the best exchange rate applied, a sensitive opening to cryptocurrencies and an innovative trading function. In addition, it offers special attention to all its users, as evidenced by the initiatives of the dedicated Revolut Rewards section.
Revolut Rewards is the section of the Revolut app where customers can get discounts and cashbacks from hundreds of brand, simply by using their Revolut card, and starting today you can access an exclusive 15% discount on the Zalando portal exclusively for Revolut customers.
Read also: Revolut, how the prepaid card works makes traveling easy Zalando is the leading online fashion platform in Europe where you can buy clothing, shoes, accessories and beauty products from thousands of brands.
»Click here to activate Revolut«