PS5: PS4 save transfer, bad news for fans

Sony has also confirmed that it is possible to move save data files from PS4 to PS5, in various ways, and then continue playing the PS4 game, with the PS4 saves in backwards compatibility format. However, it was not clear whether, in the event of an upgrade to the PS5 version of the PS4 game, the old saves would work. In other words, if players would have been forced to start the game from the beginning by switching to the next-gen version of the same.
Well, through the updated guidelines on the PlayStation blog, Sony has officially announced that the transfer of A PS4 game's save data to its PS5 upgrade version will depend directly on the developers themselves. Precisely, the Japanese company stated: “Keep in mind that the ability to transfer save data between the PS4 version and the PS5 version of the same game is a developer's decision and may vary from title to title for cross-generational games. "
In short, it seems that every single development team will be able to freely decide whether to allow the passage and compatibility of PS4 data with the PS5 version of the game, a choice that has clearly dissatisfied many fans but which at the same time was now predictable, especially after the confirmations on the impossibility of using the save data of the PlayStation 4 version of Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered on PS5.
If you are looking for a new console with which to launch into the Next-Gen, we recommend you to keep an eye on Amazon, which will probably make PS5 pre-order again in the coming weeks.