On Macs, there is a problem with HP printers

If the drivers of the HP Printers Are Malware
In short, the drivers needed to operate peripherals are labeled as malware thereby preventing all activity and sounding alarm bells. All this is triggered by the revocation of recognized certificates. The affected versions currently appear to be 10.15 Catalina and 10.14 Mojave.We're seeing a significant influx of support cases where users are seeing macOS identify what appear to be legit processes as malware, exactly what is being reported here : https://t.co/vPojXGukzp
- Thomas Reed (@thomasareed) October 23, 2020
Following the first feedback on the Net, HP confirmed the existence of the problem, announcing that he was already working with the bitten apple to solve it as quickly as possible. We report below in translated form a brief declaration on the matter entrusted by the company to the pages of The Register site.
We have unintentionally revoked the credentials for some old versions of the drivers on Mac. This caused a temporary malfunction for customers and we are working with Apple to restore the drivers. In the meantime, we recommend that those who encounter this problem uninstall the HP drivers and use the native AirPrint drivers to be able to print.
While waiting for an update, Mac users who need to print can therefore rely on the AirPrint technology integrated into the operating system as a workaround.
Source: The Register