NieR: Automata, A2 comes to life in ruri_iro_photo cosplay

The cosplayer ruri_iro_photo has dedicated the costume to Android A2, an essential presence of the production, even if its narrative arc is subsequent (as you know) to that of 2B and 9S. The charming cyborg girl thus comes to life in the image below.
View this post on Instagram NieR: Automata A2 Model by つ く も. . . #nierautomata #nier #niercosplay #nierautomatacosplay # nierautomataa2 # niera2 #game # Cosplay # beautiful # ニ ー ア オ ー ト マ タ # ニ ー ア # ニ ー ア オ ー ト マ タ コ ス プ レ post レ shared by data
# Oct 18, 2020 at 3:05 am PDT
What do you think of the costume? Let us know with a nice comment: it is extremely recent, and will surely receive more than one appreciation in the next few hours. But on our pages you will also find costumes dedicated to Android 2B and 9S, of course.