Lucca Changes: all Games events on October 31st

But for the nostalgic there are still many appointments to follow on October 31st. How to do? With the usual methods. You can connect to the Lucca Changes YouTube channel and follow the live broadcast you like, or search for the event on the Lucca Changes site and connect directly from there.
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Lucca Changes: the Games events on October 31
What to watch on this day of Lucca Comics & Games in video streaming? Here is a selection of the events available7 wonders: 7 migrations in the imagination between reality and fantasy, with Luca Raina and the hosts of Crossover Universo Nerd at 10 am.
Presentation of Back To the Future by Ravensburger, with Piero Lombardi at 5pm.
Game design workshop, with Andrea Angiolino, Immanuel Casto, Roberto Di Meglio at 12.30pm.
ioGioco lounge - Welcome to ioGioco @ Lucca , at 11 am: opening appointment of the ioGioco @ Lucca channel. Let's scroll through the schedule of the day together.
Game Showcase: Un Giorno da Cana, with MS Edizioni, at 11:30 am: Stefano Tartarotti and Christian Giove create a mixture of comics and games. A crossroads adventure to be played and watched as an intrepid explorer dog named Lucy.
MP Edizioni presents its editorial program for 2021 and the editorial staff of Rune talks about itself, at 1 pm: the various guests who will alternate will present the various projects of MPE Edizioni for 2021, new RPGs and re-editions of historians games like AMMO and the new GRUM system Official Roleplaying Game of the Manga by Mirko Pellicioni and Andrea Baricordi (in collaboration with Kappalab edizioni).
The editorial staff of RUNE game magazine talks about itself by presenting the latest news year, issue 2 of the magazine and the genesis of the project that involves FULCRUM ASSOCAZIONE CULTURALE and EDZIONI SCUDO.
The perception of role play by the Italian community, at 1 pm: the panorama of role-playing game in Italy is getting richer and more varied. This means that in seating players around a table, increasingly divergent expectations can be created. Analyzing what are the expectations of the players turned out to be a great way to explore what is the perception of the experience of role playing in an agnostic way with respect to the game system itself. We will talk about topics such as event management, the risk of death of the characters and the interpretation of the rules.
Game Showcase: The Joker - A Diabolical Party Game, by Spin Master, at 1 pm: all the super villains of Gotham City take the field to take control of the city. In the secret shoes of one of these we will try to carry out our misdeeds, while the Joker, turn after turn, will unleash anarchy in the metropolis. Let's find out how to play this diabolical new party game set in the Batman universe.
Halloween in flesh, blood and mummies, with Francesca "Fraffrog" Presentini, Francesco Muzzopappa, at 2 pm: take the author of the "Short tales that end badly" and a slightly insane illustrator, a macabre cemetery, bones, mummies, a rather strange professor, and a labyrinth of passages: some lead to certain death and others lead nowhere. Fraffrogg will illustrate live and Francesco Muzzopappa will make you die laughing. Ready to play?
Remo Chiosso Award 2020, with Andrea Angiolino, at 2 pm: the award dedicated to Remo Chiosso, the late game author famous for his "murder parties", returns. The award is dedicated to the best unreleased game of conversation and bluff.
Boardgame Studio: Need Games, at 2 pm: the space that Lucca Games reserves for the presentation of the editorial news of the game world is also back in the 2020 edition . BoardGame Studio: this is the name of the format that will host the publishers and authors of the Lucca Comics & Games parterre to present the most recent titles of the playful offer.
Interview Corner: The three authors of the Bag Of Lucca games, with Stefano Castelli, Pierluca Zizzi, Luca De Marini, at 2 pm: we connect with the three authors of the unpublished games that have been made for the Bag di Lucca and with them we discover what they have prepared for all Lucca Changes players: Stefano Castelli (game designer), Pierluca Zizzi (game designer), Luca De Marini (game designer and publisher Acchiappasogni).
Game Showcase: Narrative - Pulsation and other news coming, at 2.30 pm: the publisher which always aims to amaze with its manuals tells us about Pulsazione and the other innovative proposals of this publishing season. With Michele Gelli.
GDR: how from the idea to the playable prototype, at 3 pm: from the initial brainstorming to the presentation of one's work to a publisher, the road for an aspiring RPG author is long and winding . We will try to deal with all the necessary steps and mistakes to avoid to see your game born! An all-round chat to share insights and working methods learned in 10 years of experience, both as authors and as editors.
Risiko yesterday, today and tomorrow, at 3 pm: it is one of the great classics of the game and it is the title that has weaned entire generations to the game! Since 1968, Risiko has fascinated a multitude of Italian players and has always been considered a touchstone, for better or for worse. But what is its real playful value? Is Risiko really just an introduction or is it a game that, if approached with the right perspective, deserves the attention of the most hardcore gamers? What evolutionary elements have characterized its long history and above all, what future can be foreseen for this veteran of the gaming world? Speakers: Spartaco Albertarelli (game designer, former risk line manager for Editrice Giochi), Andrea Angiolino (journalist, essayist and game designer, game expert), Sergio Valzania (historian, journalist, TV author, author of "Strategy and tactics in the Risk ”), Roberto Convenevole (essayist, author of“ The story of Risiko and the missing link ”); moderates Riccardo Vadalà .
Roberto Recchioni and role play, with Roberto Recchioni, at 3.45 pm: cartoonist, screenwriter, editorial curator and above all storyteller of this edition Changes of the festival, Roberto Recchioni is also a gamer expert who will soon embark on the authorial path with his new role-playing game.
Learning by playing, the experience at Nerd Dogma, at 4 pm: cybersecurity is a very topical issue, but often perceived as too technical . The main difficulty is to introduce even those who do not have specific IT security skills to increase attention and awareness. Play is the fundamental tool to achieve this. However, making a simulation that is realistic, educational and fun at the same time is a complex challenge. A NERD DOGMA sets this goal.
Game Showcase: 50 Clues with PlayAGame, at 16: 50 Clues is a new escape room proposal with definitely dark colors. Let's play a demonstration case with his publisher Giuseppina Torino.
BANG! Live Show - Challenge of Champions, at 16:30: the Italian champions of BANG! they will meet and clash in the virtual arena of Lucca Changes. For the first time, after hundreds of official tournaments around Italy and 15 years of final duels in the Carducci pavilion at Lucca Comics & Games, the best gunslingers in Italy will all come together at the same game table. Between bullets, alliances and bluffs, the players will reveal their strategies and tell the anecdotes that have allowed them, among more than a thousand “challengers”, to win the title of Champions. The afternoon of the game will project the Lucca Changes and BANG! Community, and the ranks of casual and curious players, into an irresistible Spaghetti-western atmosphere, where a dynamite or a barrel can fatally determine the fate of the characters. Rich prizes scheduled for Live spectators.
Game Showcase: Let's discover Pakal by Cranio Creations, at 4:30 pm: let's explore the jungle and discover the path that leads to the Temple, together with the authors of Pakal: a new challenge of speed and glance. With Luca Bellini and Luca Borsa.
Interview Corner: My life with a Geek, at 5 pm: the new book of the “In Gioco” series tells us about the relationship between a woman who is a wife and a her husband entirely "Geek". We talk about it with the author Maria Benedetta Errigo.
Game Showcase: Fumble - Not the End and the next manuals, at 5:30 pm: let's talk with the publisher about the success of Not The End and take a look to the first Echoes expansion module. With Claudio Serena, Fumble GDR publisher.
Magic the Gathering in 3D: from paper to miniature, with Massimiliano Richiero, at 6 pm: creation, from sculpture to painting, of the three-dimensional version of a Magic card. Analyzing the various steps, from conception to the finished product.
Let's play them together: Rock the Casbah, at 6 pm: the Ork Pistol concert is about to begin! Let's prepare our clan of Orcs to conquer the best place under the stage in the new ioGioco game created by Andrea Chiarvesio and illustrated by Alan D'Amico.
ioGioco lounge - Conclusions of the third day of ioGioco @ Lucca, at 18:45: welcome back to our living room. Let's comment together on the third day of Lucca Changes.
Game-based learning in the museum field: between edutainment and research, at 7 pm: designing a game in a museum is not always a linear path, as is following the design of a game designed as a scientific research tool. What happens when the two come together? What are the constraints in the design with both experimental and educational goals? We will therefore talk about the process of creating a game in a museum for a scientific project and the compromise to be built between engagement, game design and experimental design, with reference to a case study.
Serpentarium Live: the Last Torch - The monstrous domains, at 8 pm: the author Fabio Passamonti will talk to us about the latest news of “LUT”!
Are you looking for the news coming out during the Lucca Changes event? On the dedicated Amazon store you can find everything available for shipping just a click away!