Internet Explorer and automatic redirect in Edge

The era of IE at sunset: it's time for Edge
In the rollout phase a feature that, once you type a URL in the IE address bar, will automatically open it in Edge (launching from itself the software) if the site is on an incompatibility list compiled and continuously updated directly by the Redmond group. A redirect is therefore performed through the component named IEtoEdge BHO (its files "ie_to_edge_bho.dll", "ie_to_edge_bho_64.dll" and "ie_to_edge_stub.exe" are located in the directory "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft \ Edge \ Application \ [version-edge] \ BHO "). The screenshot below was shared by the BleepingComputer editors.At the moment the list includes 1,156: there are also well known and popular homepages such as those of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google Drive, ESPN, Yahoo Mail and even Teams, a service for remote communication managed by Microsoft.
At the end of the summer, the software house also announced that Flash Player support for Internet Explorer will be permanently discontinued by 2020. All necessary steps in order to strengthen Edge's position vis-Ã -vis the competition, within a market now literally dominated by Google with the Chrome alternative.
Source: BleepingComputer