Never so many innovative startups set up online in Italy as in the third quarter of the year: they are 292 from 1 July to 30 September, the highest number recorded since 2016. This is what emerges from the new report compiled by the Ministry of Economic Development in collaboration with Unioncamere and InfoCamere. According to MiSE, the trend is "part of a context of slight recovery of the industrial system" following the crisis
due to COVID-19.
Innovative startups: the new quarterly report of the MiSE The document then states that the online mode was chosen by 38% of the innovative startups set up in Italy in the last year and by over 40% for those set up in the third quarter of 2020 (42.3%). At a territorial level it happens more frequently in regions such as Sardinia and Calabria (over 50%), while Valle d'Aosta, Emilia-Romagna, Abruzzo, Marche and Umbria occupy the lowest steps of the ranking.
La new method is widespread throughout the country, with a strong presence in three regions, Lombardy (27.1%), Lazio (11.1%) and Veneto (11%), which together host almost 50% of the startups established online. Milan is confirmed as the main hub for Italian innovative startups, representing by itself 17% of all digitally created companies.
Again, the duration of the procedures (i.e. the average waiting time between the establishment and the registration of the company in the special section of the register of companies dedicated to innovative startups) has dropped to 28 days.
95.7% of the innovative startups established online are still in active status, while only 97 of them are no longer registered in the special section at the reference date. All of the latter appear to have ceased business activity.
For previous editions of the report, refer to the articles relating to Q3 2019, Q4 2019, Q1 2020 and Q2 2020.
Source : Put