Green Lantern - first details of the TV series

They will not fail to discuss the first details on the TV series that will tell the adventures of several Lanterns including Guy Gardner , Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz and Alan Scott (who unlike his original version will be as gay as his counterpart of Terra-2 version New 52) therefore do not mention either Hal Jordan or John Stewart or the two most famous Green Lanterns and recognizable. Sinestro will also appear in Green Lantern, it is not known if he is still as Green Lantern or as owner of the Yellow Ring, and Kilowog, the bull sergeant instructor of the Lanterns, plus new Lanterns in the Corps created specifically for the series will be introduced. >
Green Lantern - the TV series
Green Lantern was one of the first projects announced by DC and HBO Max (along with the anthology Strange Adventures) and its scope was immediately defined spectacular. There was also talk of a very substantial budget for its construction because it would be set in space in a way never seen before on television.Sarah Aubrey, HBO Max's Head of Original Content, went wild by saying that the series will have covered several decades and would focus on the stories of two terrestrial Lanterns and Sinestro. In part these declarations have been respected even if it is rumored that the series can be configured as an anthology and simply have a common thread represented precisely by the Green Lantern Corps.
Read also: The animated series DC - The Complete Guide
Green Lantern and other DC projects on HBO Max
There are many DC projects currently in development for HBO.Here they are:
a TV series about Peacemaker, spin-off of The Suicide Squad, with John Cena and developed by James Gunn a spin-off TV series set in Gotham City of Matt Reeves' The Batman starring the Police Department Gotham's Justice League Dark TV series developed by JJ Abrams the Strange Adventures anthology series various animated series including one set in the universe of James Wan's Aquaman Buy Green Lantern Rebirth.