Google DNI: 11.5 million to journalism in Italy

Digital News Initiatives in support of 45 Italian projects
This week the Mountain View group has published the final report in which the sums are drawn on how to use the 150 million euros allocated from 2015 to 2019: a total of 662 projects supported throughout Europe. Focusing on Italy, there are 45 for a total of investments disbursed equal to 11.5 million euros.The candidates presented projects of different sizes, up to a maximum value of one million euros, on the most urgent issues identified by the news context: increasing digital revenues, telling local stories, fighting disinformation and exploring new technologies.
These are some of the beneficiaries: Corriere della Sera, GEDI Group Editorial, Il Sole 24 ORE and Radio 24, Poligrafici Editoriale (Monrif Group), Athesis Company, SESAAB (L'Eco di Bergamo), Il Secolo XIX, Radio Radicale, Gazzetta dello Sport, Mondadori Scienza, AGI, Adnkronos, La Sicilia,, Good Morning Italia, Ced Digital & Servizi srl, Mitecube srl, News 3.0 Spa, Fondazione Openpolis, Catchy, Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI), Cefriel and Viz & Chips.
The Digital News Initiative is joined by the Google News Initiative launched two years ago, a global fund worth 300 million dollars whose aim is the same: to help the world of journalism. To date, it has awarded a total of approximately $ 46.5 million to projects by publishing organizations in Europe.
Source: Google