Fortnite: Week 7 challenges revealed in advance

Fortnite | Challenges of week 7
Fortnite Battaglia Reale, according to shared information, will include 8 challenges for Week 7. More precisely, there will be seven single challenges and one group challenge. The most obvious difference between the two categories is the number of XP obtained: 25,000 for the first and 50,000 for the latter.Let's see, however, in a quick list all the details on the challenges of Fortnite Battle Royale Week 7:
Search for chests in Gattogrill: single challenge Eliminations in Moli Molesti: single challenge Enter the vault of the Doom Domain: single challenge Destroy cobwebs at the Authority: single challenge Discover Tony Stark's secret laboratory at the lake house: Single Challenge Drive a car from Sweaty Sands to Misty Moors in under 4 minutes without getting out of the vehicle: Single Challenge Inflict damage on opponents at Coral Castle: Single Challenge Inflict damage on an opponent after knocking them back with the power of Storm: Group Challenge The Week 7 Challenges include various Fortnite classics, such as searching for chests, eliminating or dealing damage to opponents in specific locations. Even the challenge of taking a path within a time limit is not new, since something similar has appeared several times after the introduction of the vehicles in the game.
Obviously, as always, we remind you that the information reported is the result of a leak and therefore is not official. Normally what is reported is correct, but missing still two days it is possible that Epic Games will make changes: sometimes, in fact, due to bugs or problems of various kinds, the developers delete a mission and replace it with a "reserve" one.
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