Fantasy in Lucca Changes: all online events

The Fantasy Authors
Among the authors of the Lucca Changes online schedule will be present Terry Brooks, who announced his participation as early as September, to talk to fans about his over forty-year career. Among the most anticipated authors there will also be Cassandra Clare, author of the Shadowhunters novels, who will present her new book to the public.Author Licia Troisi will also meet Jonathan Dtroud, author of the Bartimeus trilogy. Also present will be Chrisopher Paolini, author of the Eragon saga, Leigh Bardugo, author of the young adult GrishaVerse saga, Eoin Colfer, author of Artemis Fowl, a book that has returned to prominence thanks to the film adaptation by Disney and now available on Disney + , Shamim Sarif, author of The World Unseen and Patrick Ness, novelist author of the short story Doctor Who: Tip of the Tongue. In streaming from one of the numerous Lucca Changes campfires, the "Jolly Joker" of Turin, Luigi Cecchi aka Bigio, creator of Drizzit, will talk to R.A. Salvatore and Todd Lockwood, delving into the narrative universe of Dungeons and Dragons.
Online events
Thursday 29 October:
5pm: The hour of the damned, with Luca Tarenzi: the author will present his own fantasy book, set in a Dante's hell centered on five anti-heroes.7 pm: Sleeping in a sea of stars, with Christopher Paolini: The author will present his latest Sci-Fi work, on which he worked for ten years.
9pm: GrishaVerse: universe and characters The author Leigh Bardugo will tell Italian readers for the first time about the Fantasy world she created.
Friday 30 October:
6 pm: Forgotten Realms, Worlds and images: Live streaming from the Campfire "Jolly Joker" in Turin RA Salvatore and Todd Lockwood, together with Luigi "Bigio" Cecchi, creator of Drizzit, will explore the narrative universe of Dungeons and Dragons.7pm: Face to face with Cassandra Clare: The author will tell the story universe of the Shadowhunters, the demon hunters protagonists of his saga, on the occasion of the release of The Lost White Book (Mondadori), second volume of The Eldest Curses trilogy.
Saturday 31 October:
11 am: Eoin Colfer: during this panel, the author will talk about the release of the new chapter of the Artemis Fowl saga, The Fowl Twins, published by Mondadori. The author Pierdomenico Baccalario, also known by the pseudonym of Ulysses Moore, will conduct the interview.7 pm: Athena Protocol, with Shamim Sarif and Patrick Ness: the two authors will present the new book by Shamim Sarif, Athena Protocol, a female thriller.
Sunday 1st November:
4pm: Which Fantasy? Jonathan Stroud and Licia Troisi: the two authors will confront each other in a double interview.5 pm: Manlio Castagna - Paolo Barbieri, When the wind of evil blows: The authors will present together the new book Winds of evil, written by Manlio Castagna and illustrated by Paolo Barbieri.
All the meetings will be visible in the section concerning the online schedule on the Lucca Changes website (, which will be updated with the new appointments until the festival dates.
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