Enel under ransomware attack: 14 million asked

Enel, ransomware attack of the Netwalker group
To report the news of the umpteenth breach was the first of the BleepingComputer portal that shared a screenshot (visible below) to confirm what happened. It refers to the download of private data, contacts, databases, financial documents and concerning customers for a total of 4.5 TB. The group was given a few days to make the money transfer with the threat of seeing all the information published otherwise.The attack was discovered on 19 October. The company has not yet issued any statement on the matter and, according to what emerged, the ransom has not been paid. Below is a screenshot shared by Netwalker to prove the veracity of the statements complete with a countdown that within a few days will lead to the diffusion of what has been stolen: there are references to the Italian plants of Augusta, Bari, Bastardo, Bergamo, Bologna etc.
Enel is one of the most important players in the energy sector with approximately 61 million customers in 40 countries. It placed 87 on the Fortune Global 500 with revenue quantified at nearly $ 90 billion in 2019.
Source: BleepingComputer