Dragon Ball, how to buy the new special editions of Tamashii Nations

Cosmic Group has finally announced how the limited will be distributed: The Exclusives (as you can imagine) will not will be physically on sale, in compliance with the new DPCM, but will be on sale to the public, online, from 3 to 16 November next, on www.cosmicgroupevents.com with the sole limitation of two copies for the Android 17 and Android 18 models .All shipments of purchased items will be made on November 18th and 19th.
Son Goku Ultra Instinct Sign - SHFiguarts EECE
This new SHFiguarts will be completame nte articulated and portrays the version never made to date of Son Goku in his incomplete Ultra Instinct version taken from the Dragon Ball Super Tournament of Power saga. Price $ 60.00Android 17 - SHFiguarts EECE
Even if it is not a recolor this figure is the second version made for the character who is finally updated in the joints and joints like the latest releases. Price $ 50.00Android 18 - SHFiguarts EECE
As for its brother, Android 17, also for Android 18 (also known as C-18) this is not a real and just recolor but of a new updated edition and long requested by collectors. In addition to normal hair there will also be an alternative version that simulates its movement. Price $ 50.00Vegito SSGSS - Figuarts Zero EECE
It is the first of the two statues of this wave of limited editions and portrays the fusion between Goku and Vegeta, obtained with the potara in Dragon Ball Super, in Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan mode. Great details and super dynamic pose for a static that has nothing to envy to its articulated cousins. Price $ 70.00Super Saiyan Broly - Figuarts Zero EECE
Second of the two statues proposed for this year and portrays Broly taken from the OAV feature film “Dragon Ball Z: The Super Saiyan of legend ”of 1993. Also in this case it is a recolored version of the one already released a few months ago and portrays the fearsome Saiyan warrior with great details and diorama-like effects. Price $ 90.00Dragon Ball Stage - EECE
Last but not least are the new Dragon Ball Stage. Previously they were only released for a Hong Kong event and finally with this new edition they will be available for the whole world. What is special about them? There are seven and each base has the shape of one of the dragon's spheres with relative stars. Indispensable for figures!Discover the various Dragon Ball figures, you can find lots of them available just a click away.