Dirt Rally 2.0 and many other titles in the new Humble One Special Day Bundle 2020

By paying only € 0.84 it will be possible to obtain:
Smoke and Sacrifice Idle Champions: Celeste's Starter Pack Surgeon Simulator Anniversary Edition By paying more than € 4.27, variable amount based on the average sale price of the bundle, you will also get:
Talisman Digital Edition Talisman The Frostmarch Expansions Talisman The Sacred Pool Expansions Talisman The City Expansions Battlezone Gold Edition Portal Knights Stronghold 2 Steam Edition With over 8.45 euros in addition to what was previously listed we will also receive:
Dirt Rally 2.0 Ogre Portal Knights: Elves Rogues and Rifts As always, buying something on the Humble Bundle it is also possible to do a good deed, since part of the proceeds are donated directly to the charity Special Effect, which aims to help disabled players gain visibility and equal opportunities. One more reason to take advantage of this bundle full of titles, which we remind you will be available for purchase only until next 20 October.
»Click here to buy the Humble One Special Day Bundle 2020"
SportsGaming.win is an official partner of the Humble Bundle. Purchases made through the links on this page will support both the charity and our site.