Common sense tips for living at home (without lockdown panic)
Between smart working and new restrictions (albeit limited), we will certainly spend more time in our homes in the coming months. Better, therefore, to immediately treasure what we learned between March and May
Milan, April 3, 2020 (photo: Elena Piccini / Gilardi Photo Library / Getty Images) There is no doubt that in the coming months we will find ourselves spending more time in home than usual. Because smart working continues for many (many companies have announced that telework will go on until January, while others bring employees back to the office in shifts, a few days a week). Because so many continue to choose to avoid going to the gym or restaurant. Because a cold will be enough to trigger the alarm in the whole family. Because the arrival of cold weather will limit outdoor activities. And because the worsening of infections could still lead to new restrictions limited to certain areas and to some aspects of our lives. So, better be ready. Putting what we learned into play between March and May.Tidying up the home office
Turin, May 16, 2020 (photo: Stefano Guidi / Getty Images) Some are back more or less stable in the office, but many still work from home. And smart working continues to be encouraged, in order to avoid travel and exposure to contagion where possible. If you have not already done so, then, you should think about arranging your home station: from the chair to the table, from the computer to the webcam for video calls, to the essential stationery and internet connection. For low-income families there is a 500 euro technological bonus, but you could also share wi-fi and printer with a neighbor (obviously to be used with the right spacing).Try asking if your company can provide you with a more up-to-date (and safer: those who ask employees to work with old-fashioned PCs should take this into account) than your old grinder. Some companies even provide ergonomic chairs, others make agreements with coworking spaces for those who cannot return to the office but are unable to work from home, due to lack of space or tools.
Rethinking shopping
Pouring into supermarkets and discount stores to stock end of the world is no use for anyone. However, providing smarter spending could help. Writing a careful list of what you need so you don't run out of and have to clog up supermarkets every day makes sense. Also opt for some more voluminous online orders than usual, to have some stock in the pantry. Without excess, because we have learned that food is never lacking, not even in March and April. Simply to limit visits to the shops.Also, don't forget that the neighborhood shops, the so-called proximity trade, are precious. Many have continued to do home deliveries, especially for the elderly, and are willing to prepare groceries over the phone so you can just drop by and pick them up. Take the time to get to know the shopkeepers in the area, understand which ones might be useful in case of limitations and how you can get in touch with them.