Bonus 500 euros: the Free Modem Alliance intervenes
The role attributed to operators in the dynamics of assigning the so-called 500 euro Bonus inherent in the Voucher Plan compromises the user's right of free choice, almost to cancel it, causing serious distortions within the TLC market. This is what the Free Modem Alliance denounces which, to discuss the issue, organized a dedicated event involving representatives of institutions and actors from the world of telecommunications.
The critical issues that have emerged are shared by the electronics distributors, as we have already had the opportunity to write on these pages last week citing the position of AIRES (Italian Association of Specialized Appliances Retailers) which announced an appeal to the Antitrust and the TAR against the measure. A few days ago Altroconsumo also spoke about the issue, talking about lock-in risk and problems similar to those now highlighted by the Free Modem Alliance. All subjects asking the government to rethink.
If things do not change, the first ultra-broadband vouchers will be issued in November to families with an ISEE of less than 20,000 euros. The sum can be used to sign a new contract for the connectivity service while asking for a computer or tablet. The PDF of the application to be filled is already online. We are now waiting to know what the operators' offers will be.
Source: Free Modem Alliance on YouTube
The Free Modem Alliance on the 500 euro Bonus of the Voucher Plan
Paolo Donzelli (Digital Transformation Office at the Presidency of the Council), Enza Bruno Bossio (PD), Massimiliano Capitanio (Lega), Luca Carabetta (M5S) and Luciano Nobili (Italia Viva) took part. Participants are Giovanni Zorzoni (AIIP), Davide Rossi (AIRES), Dino Bortolotto (Assoprovider), Marco Pierani (Euroconsumers), Giuseppe Galasso (Competition and Market Authority) and Francesco Sacco (Insubria University). Below is the player to review it in full streaming.The critical issues that have emerged are shared by the electronics distributors, as we have already had the opportunity to write on these pages last week citing the position of AIRES (Italian Association of Specialized Appliances Retailers) which announced an appeal to the Antitrust and the TAR against the measure. A few days ago Altroconsumo also spoke about the issue, talking about lock-in risk and problems similar to those now highlighted by the Free Modem Alliance. All subjects asking the government to rethink.
If things do not change, the first ultra-broadband vouchers will be issued in November to families with an ISEE of less than 20,000 euros. The sum can be used to sign a new contract for the connectivity service while asking for a computer or tablet. The PDF of the application to be filled is already online. We are now waiting to know what the operators' offers will be.
Source: Free Modem Alliance on YouTube