All the ads Edizioni Star Comics in Lucca Changes

Among the announcements the arrival in Italy of the Super Dragon Ball Heroes manga, an out-of-continuity spin-off of the Dragon Ball saga, and the launch of the Sweet Paprika comic or the animated project of Mirka Andolfo stand out.
The announcements Edizioni Star Comics in Lucca Changes
The great returns
SHAMAN KING FINAL EDITION by Hiroyuki Takei, Series of volumes 35, completed, April 2021Descendant of an ancient family of shamans, Yoh Asakura possesses the ability to see spirits. While wishing for a quiet life, the boy will participate in the Shaman Fight, a tournament between shamans that takes place every 500 years with the aim of electing the Shaman King, the one who, joining the Great Spirit, will transform the great destruction of the world into a great regeneration. .
CARD CAPTOR SAKURA 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION by CLAMP, 9-volume series, completed, May 2021
Sakura Kinomoto, a lively 10-year-old girl, finds a book called The Clow in her father's library . After opening this mysterious book and breaking the seal, a funny talking animal appears, called Kerberus, who proclaims himself as the Guardian of the Seal, that is, the one who must protect the book and the cards it contains. But with the seal breaking, the Clow Cards have been released, or and now it's up to Sakura to capture them, aided by Kero-chan.
WHAT'S MICHAEL? MIAO EDITION by Makoto Kobayashi, 8-volume series, completed, March 2021
Michael is not a cat. Michael is all the cats in the world. Michael is the sum of all the attitudes of the most popular feline on our planet. Curious, cuddly, hunter, cunning, mischievous, naive… How many other adjectives, with their synonyms and antonyms, could be attributed to him, the cat. Makoto Kobayashi investigates all aspects of grotesque life, and the world that revolves around them, because if man is master of the world, the cat is master of man. And he knows he is.
Always the best
ONE PIECE STAMPEDE NOVEL by Eiichiro Oda, Takashi Otsuka, Atsuhiro Tomioka, Tatsuya Hamazaki; Single volume; March 2021The biggest pirate, pirate and pirate fair: The Pirate Festival. Luffy and the rest of the crew received an invitation from his organizer, Buena Festa, known to everyone as the Festival Master. Arriving they discover a fantastic place embellished with beautiful pavilions and lots of pirates, including those of the Worst Generation. Everyone is immediately in turmoil, but…
ONE PIECE STAMPEDE ANIME COMICS by Eiichiro Oda, AA. VV .; 2-volume miniseries, completed; May 2021
SUPER DRAGON BALL HEROES MISSION IN THE DARK DEMON WORLD by Akira Toriyama, Yoshitaka Nagayama; Series of 3 volumes, in progress; May 2021
Chronoa, the Kaiohshin of Time, must preserve the timelines and the correct flow of historical events. Together with the warriors of the Time Patrol, the Guardian of Time will have to fight the demonic Towa, intent on gathering the Dark Dragon Balls to restore the powers to the sorcerer Magicabula so that he can break the seal of the Dark Demonic Realm and drag the world into chaos. The fantastic heroes of DRAGON BALL return in this what if inspired by a series of video and card games that are incredibly popular in Japan!
MY HERO ACADEMIA - THE MOVIE: TWO HEROES ANIME COMICS by Kohei Horikoshi; Single volume; April 2021
After the light novel, Star Comics also brings to Italy the Anime Comics based on this exciting feature film also released in Italian cinemas. Midoriya and his companions will have to face an unscheduled adventure, giving us, among other things, the opportunity to discover something more about the past of the legendary Allmight. The great Hero goes to the gigantic artificial island of I-Island to meet an old friend, the brilliant scientist Dave, and the latter's daughter, Melissa. But there is someone who, with the aim of destroying the society of the Heroes, is secretly plotting and preparing to strike during the great scientific meeting scheduled on the island…
Shojo power
AKAGAMI NO SHIRAYUKI-HIME by Sorata Akizuki; Series of 22 volumes, in progress; April 2021Shirayuki is a girl with long red hair who meets the famous, but stupid, Prince Raji. As soon as he sees her, he orders her to become his concubine. Terrified by the idea, with no place to take refuge, she decides to cut her hair and flee, she decides to flee to a nearby town through a dense forest. Here she meets Zen, a boy who will heal her wounds… After the great success of YONA THE SCARLET PRINCESS, we welcome Shirayuki to this exciting new shojo-fantasy epic!
LIVING-ROOM MATSUNAGA-SAN by Keiko Iwashita; Series of 9 volumes, in progress; May 2021
Due to special family circumstances, high school student Miko moves to her uncle's pension. The first day does not start in the best way: along the way to the new house she runs into a guy with a disreputable appearance who begins to follow her! But it was all a misunderstanding: the "guy" in question was not an attacker, and he wasn't following her; he was simply returning home - the same as Miko, as Matsunaga - this is his name - is a young designer who lives right in his uncle's pension, along with a host of other rather ... unusual tenants. How will Miko's new life evolve away from her parents, in contact with extravagant and bizarre adults? Will he be able to adapt to new rhythms and new commitments? And above all ... what relationship will he end up establishing with the brusque but caring Matsunaga-san? One of the most lively contemporary shojo manga and most appreciated and requested by the international community, with a decidedly screaming male protagonist!
Let it queer
I MARRIED A GIRL TO SHUT MY PARENTS UP by Naoko Kodama; Single volume; April 2021Moritomo is continually pressed by her parents, who want her to marry (to a man). Her kohai suggests that she get married, so as to finally silence the parents. The kohai, long in love with the senpai, to whom she had already declared herself once, decides to propose herself as a bride, since in Japan it is possible to marry under certain conditions even if you are a homosexual couple. What will life as a couple reserve for these two young women? A sparkling work that denounces in a comic key the anachronistic pressures and expectations that many adult women face from family and society.
MY GENDERLESS BOYFRIEND by Tamekou; Series of 3 volumes, in progress; August 2021
Wako and her boyfriend don't have a very common relationship. She works at a publishing house, while he… is obsessed with make-up and fashion and tries to make himself beautiful for his girlfriend, while in the eyes of others she looks like a girl in every way. Their relationship, often misunderstood as a relationship between two girls, will give rise to countless misunderstandings, gags and comic situations out of the ordinary, also leaving room for a lot of sweetness and romance. A funny and at times brilliant manga that manages to touch the genderless theme and the life of a couple with grace and delicacy.
LIFE - WALKING ON THE LINE by Miya Tokokura; Single volume; June 2021
Serious Ito and carefree Nishi are two students who meet casually as they play their "game of the line" on their way home from school. Over time the two become friends, but slowly Ito begins to have strong feelings for Nishi and one day, suddenly, she kisses him. Time passes, the two grow up and their relationship develops… but the pressures of the world around them begin to become more and more unbearable. That dreams and the love of youth must bow to what society requires of two adult men? A delicate and bittersweet story, extremely concrete and realistic, but capable of truly touching the reader's heart with heartbreaking simplicity. Winner in 2018 of the Chil Chil BL Awards in the "Best Comics" category and Kono BL ga yabai, it has recently been celebrated at home with a live action.
MY SON IS PROBABLY GAY by Okura; Series of 3 volumes, in progress; April 2021
A cute slice of life comedy about a young gay boy named Hiroki, who lives all the troubles of adolescence trying to hide - with difficulty, since he is good-natured and sincere - his sexual orientation to his family. The work analyzes the point of view of his mother, Tomoko, a sweet but not naive woman who senses her son's sexual orientation, but tries in every way to support him, without ever forcing him. Between one gaffe and another, a graceful, positive comedy unfolds, with light tones but full of food for thought, which shines the spotlight on ever-current issues such as the relationship between parents and children and the coming-out, but above all on the importance acceptance of oneself and of others
Whoever can be saved
MASHLE by Hajime Koumoto; Series of 3 volumes, in progress; Autumn 2021In an alternative world where magic is used every day for even the most trivial action, being born without powers is a disgrace, and those who have no powers are considered undesirable and cast aside or expelled from society. Mash, the protagonist, is an orphan with no magical powers who is found by a good-hearted elder, who grows him deep in the forest away from everything and everyone to protect him. Mash's main interests are cream puffs and bodybuilding, so much so that he spends his days training, acquiring superhuman strength. But his life and that of his adoptive father are put in danger the day a shady guy discovers their secret and blackmails them: he will only leave them alone if Mash enrolls in Easton Magical Academy - a kind of Hogwarts where only the most talented wizards are accepted - and he will prove that he has the necessary powers to become the wizard of the year. Will Mash accept the very difficult challenge? Will his muscles and the strength that distinguishes him be able to allow him to prevail between spells and sorcery challenges? Thanks to his successful mix of comedy and hyper-spectacular action, as well as tasty quotes from famous magical literary universes but also from iconic works of the manga landscape, Mashle has quickly established himself as one of the most recent revelations of that extraordinary forge of success that is « Weekly Shonen Jump », gathering consensus upon consensus both at home and abroad!
SWEET PAPRIKA by Mirka Andolfo; 2-volume miniseries; Spring 2021
In an alternative universe populated by angels and devils, the young Paprika, a New Yorker of Italian origins, is a workaholic dedicated body and soul to the cause of the publishing house where she works. Success sucked up her existence, making her forget the importance of time for herself and for her loved ones. Until to wreak havoc in his life will appear ... a prince charming on a white horse? No, to intrude daringly in his life will be the sly Dill, a naive and handsome courier who acts “angelic” absolutely far from his world. Will it be an opportunity for Paprika to question her priorities and her lifestyle to find out what she really wants? One thing is certain: the encounter-clash of two diametrically opposed characters and "styles" will give rise to an irresistible earthquake of misunderstandings, gags and sweetly spicy situations - without taking away space from important issues concerning the female universe, the integration and acceptance of oneself. A sexy comedy halfway between Bridget Jones's diary and Sex & The City, with a touch of The Devil Wears Prada: Sweet Paprika is a fun and captivating contemporary fairytale halfway between western comics and manga. An editorial project of which Star Comics and the author of Sacro / Profano, Contronatura and Mercy - as well as numerous international projects for publishers of the caliber of DC Comics and Marvel Comics - are very proud and which will be one of the most anticipated titles of 2021, also considering the success of the sketches posted by the author on her social channels.
Buy Mercy Volume 1 by Mirka Andolfo for sale