Zoom: new features for accessibility

The news of Zoom for accessibility
The first is that Multi-pin call: in fact it allows you to fix the panels associated with the other participants in the meeting in specific portions of the screen, so as to avoid the software managing the positioning by itself. It can be useful, for example, for those suffering from hearing problems and during meetings they rely on the translation into sign language, so as to always keep the interpreter visible.C ' it is then Multi-spotlight with a rather similar functioning, but in this case it determines who remains in evidence and where it is not the single participant in the session, but its organizer. The display mode thus established will then be respected by everyone.
Staying on the subject, users will be able to reorder the boxes within the layout as they wish, simply by selecting one and dragging it to another portion of screen.
Keyboard shortcuts are added (possibly customizable) designed to simplify the execution of some commands, for example those related to managing the audio stream.
Finally, new options have been introduced for the subtitles generated during meetings.
In the video below, the intervention of Jen Hill, Zoom's Product Marketing Manager, which summarizes the characteristics of the service designed to satisfy precisely the accessibility criteria.
Nell he occasion Zoom confirms its commitment to obtain full compliance with the provisions of the WCAG 2.1 AA (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) guidelines precisely in terms of accessibility.
Source: Zoom