Yakuza Kiwami 3 will not be presented at TGS 2020

For this reason many have thought that the Japanese publisher was about to announce the game during the Tokyo Games Show 2020, the biggest event before that date. Unfortunately, however, it was the Yakuza Producer. Masayoshi Yokoyama to dampen the enthusiasm. Through Twitter he has, in fact, said that at the TGS nothing will be revealed about Yakuza Kiwami 3.
According to him, in fact, there was a translation error and before being able to see a Yakuza Kiwami 3 there will be a lot to wait, given that Yakuza 3 is still available for PlayStation 4.
The next appointment with the series, therefore, remains Yakuza: Like a Dragon, here you can find the preview of the Italian version.
There will be enjoyed having a remake of the game already? ?は 予 定 あ り ま せ ん。 そ の 前 に や る こ と 山 積 み で す し 『龍 が 如 く 3』 (PS4) も ま だ ま だ 現役 で す の で。 https://t.co/xaqzama