Xbox Series X will fully support DirectX12_2

There is less and less of the Xbox Series X debut on the markets and like all new videogame generations, many promises have been made to the public, inherent in the power and new features offered in this new experience. Nonetheless, much information is still unknown to consumers, especially those related to hardware. Today, however, a confirmation has arrived on Twitter, which helps to make this still hazy landscape a little clearer.

In this regard, we have recently discovered that the Xbox Series X GPU will fully support DirectX12_2 and to announce it was the Director of Program Management of Xbox, Jason Roland. Specifically, a fan asked him if Xbox Series X will support this technology and his reply on his twitter profile has heartened everyone, considering that the next-gen console from Microsoft was not present in the list of systems that would have exploited the DX12_2.

As reported by Microsoft, DX12_2 includes all the previously announced features and updates, as well as some new features. This allows for better compatibility with the PC API, with support for graphics features such as raytracing, shader mesh, variable speed shading and many other still unknown improvements. If you want to see the complete list of innovations introduced with DirectX 12_2 you can do so by accessing the Microsoft blog.

Waiting for updates on this and to share with you, we remind you that Xbox Series X will be available in November 2020, but we do not yet know the launch date and the list price of the next console from Microsoft.

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