Xbox Game Pass Showcase unveiled by Microsoft for this week but no new announcements

A brief update by Samuel Bateman of Xbox UK has already extinguished the hopes of those who thought they could see new innovations in this event: to all intents and purposes it will be a "showcase" of already known games and present in the catalog, perhaps with the practical demonstration of some of the latest news announced for September but nothing new or not previously announced.
Original article: We don't know exactly what it is, but the profile Xbox UK Twitter recently posted a recap message for this very rich week regarding Xbox and Game Pass, signaling the arrival of The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey do B. atuu yesterday, a Sea of Thieves event for today on Twitch, tomorrow a stream on Gears Tactics, recently announced as a launch game for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, and Thursday a mysterious Xbox Game Pass Showcase.
Given the lack of big fanfare, it doesn't seem to be a big-caliber event, but considering the naming, in line with the big-caliber presentation staged earlier to showcase Xbox Games Studios games for the foreseeable future, we can still expect. several interesting news.