World of Warships Legends: the Italian Navy arrives

The Italian nation joins with a host of early access cruisers and four new commanders. We are talking about the Alberto da Giussano, the Raimondo Montecuccoli, the Trento and the Zara, available with the Veni, Vidi, Vici update in early access, they represented the fulcrum of the Regia Marina in World War II. These cruisers are highly maneuverable and include a smoke generator consumable that allows them to hide when appropriate. Thanks to their reliable armament and torpedoes, these cruisers are ready to join the battle.
To give more strength to the new nation, the new campaign Veni, Vidi, Vici of World of Warships Legends stars the elegant Italian battleship Roma. Fast, agile and well protected, Roma can overcome various threats in the open sea. Additionally, its 381mm guns with high velocity and rapid traverse allow it to take on even the strongest enemy vessels. The Veni, Vidi, Vici campaign will last 5 weeks and includes 100 progression goals. However, there are also other news.