Windows 10 Patch Tuesday September 2020 available: 129 vulnerabilities fixed

Overall, Windows 10 Patch Tuesday is once again a package of important updates, just consider that 129 vulnerabilities reported in recent months have been officially corrected. Many security improvements, for example, such as those related to input devices (mouse, keyboard, and others) or to the execution of basic operations of the operating system. But improvements and fixes have also been introduced for the management and storage of files and many problems of the Office package have been solved.
Microsoft has nevertheless been keen to underline that the new update is not exclusively designed for security: rather, it aims to correct a series of malfunctions at all levels of the operating system, thus making it more efficient. You can easily check the availability of the new update and install the update by following this procedure: Launch the Start menu Select Settings (bottom left) Select Update and security (bottom item) Select "download" under the list of available updates Source