Will Xbox Series S have room for Call of Duty: Warzone? The irony of Daniel Ahmad

Insider and analyst Daniel Ahmad couldn't help but wonder, ironically on the enormous space occupied by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which has now exceeded 200 GB and shows no signs of decreasing, despite the promises of Activision.
Well, precisely in the perspective of the next-gen platforms characteristics such could be a big problem; for Xbox Series S, first of all, but also for PS5 and Xbox Series X.
In fact, none of the new consoles will go beyond 1 TB of storage, but above all it will be complicated to expand that memory given its technical specifications: very performing and very expensive modules to maintain compatibility.
So Daniel Ahmad's joke makes you smile, but bitterly: the problem of space exists, beyond Call of Duty, and it will be interesting to understand if and how will be fixed by Sony and Microsoft.
Someone ask Activision if 512GB is enough for Warzone and MW.
- Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) September 8, 2020 Source