Will PS5 have a cross gen party for up to 100 players?

According to what emerged recently on some new posts published on Reddit and Resetera, Sony's website mentions that PS5 will give its users the ability to create a group chat between different players of both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, thus confirming a possible presence of a party to all cross generational effects between the last two Sony consoles. The news, however, does not seem to end here, on the contrary.
As you can read in the two published posts of Reddit and Resetera, the official site of Sony would also mention the possibility of creating and then changing the name of the party , but also insert images that can make it personalized and recognizable to your friends list. What is striking, however, seems to be the possibility of adding up to 100 players to your party.
At the moment this information has not yet been made public, but being in the internal files of the Sony official website, it is likely that the Japanese company will soon make everything official. What do you think of the possible new party features for PS5? Let us know your impressions with a comment in the dedicated section.
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