Walmart challenges Amazon on delivery drones

Drones for deliveries: Walmart tests are underway
The units are those built by the Israeli startup Flytrex Aviation, able to travel up to at 10 km carrying weights of up to 3 kg. Equipped with six propellers, they move in the sky to the recipient's home and then lower the package or bag containing the products from above (without landing), then returning to the start point. Obviously, in order for everything to work properly, adequate spaces are required, so not everyone will be able to use the service once it is launched on a large scale.This is yet another gauntlet launched by the group to rival Jeff Bezos. Focusing on initiatives related to the e-commerce world, in the coming days there will be the debut of Walmart +, an unprecedented premium subscription formula ($ 98 per year or $ 12.95 per month with a 15-day free trial) which it will offer subscribers benefits in line with those of Amazon Prime: unlimited free deliveries on most of the catalog, fuel vouchers to spend at thousands of stations, exclusive discounts and a system based on code scanning for quick shopping at points of sale. >
Finally, we remind you that according to the rumors leaked in recent weeks, the company is among those interested in the acquisition of TikTok which could be made official within the next few days.