Voucher Plan: Bonus PC and Internet, all is silent

PC and Internet bonus: no news at the end of September
Referring to the infratelitalia.it and bandaultralarga.italia.it sites, the only two official sources indicated by the institutions to find updates on the initiative linked to the voucher plan, to date (Tuesday 30 September) there are no news. The latest press release on the subject is the one that dates back to the first days of the month in which citizens are invited to be patient and not to be overwhelmed by the myriad of news that has recently appeared online on the subject, remembering that to benefit from the measure it will be necessary to contact the operators directly .The end users, beneficiaries of the voucher will have to interface directly with the operators (who will have previously registered on the portal) using the usual sales channels.
The same two portals have been designated for host the list of accredited operators and offers, but at the moment everything is still silent.
Finally, remember that the PC and Internet Bonus is intended for families and businesses for an amount equal to a maximum of 500 and 2,000 respectively EUR. For the former, it will be calculated based on the ISEE.
The declared goal is to encourage the digitization of the country, spreading access to the Internet and thus hitting the scourge of the digital divide that still afflicts a considerable slice of the population with all that goes with it first of all in terms of opportunities.