TV Bonus 2020: who is eligible and how is it requested?

Starting from that date, in fact, the national television broadcasts will be broadcast on new channels following the DVB-T2 / HEVC standard (which we talked about in this dedicated article), so to free up the current frequencies which will then be used for the development of the 5G telephone network.
TV Bonus 2020: what does it consist of?
The TV Bonus consists of a discount of up to 50 euros which it will be paid out when purchasing a new television or digital terrestrial decoder compatible with the DVB-T2 signal. If the chosen decoder has a price of less than 50 euros, the value of the voucher will only cover the entire cost of the decoder and the remainder cannot be used in any other way.The incentive will be available at starting from December 18, 2019 and until December 31, 2022, provided that the resources allocated are not exhausted first, which amount to approximately 150 million euros.
TV Bonus 2020: who can you request it?
The TV Bonus can only be requested once for each family unit and only families whose economic situation indicator (ISEE) is less than 20,000 euros can access it.TV Bonus 2020: how to apply?
To access the incentive, a declaration must be presented when purchasing one of the products compatible with the payment of the bonus. the buyer declares that his ISEE is less than 20,000 euros and that no other member of his family has already taken advantage of the discount. Photocopies of an identity document and the tax code of the person making the purchase must also be attached to the request.All the necessary documentation and more information about the Bonus TV can be found on the dedicated page on the website of the MISE.
TV Bonus 2020: where to use it?
There is no list of points of sale participating in the initiative as it is open to all shops wishing to participate. It is therefore possible to ask your trusted store directly if it has decided to join the initiative and therefore allow you to take advantage of the incentive. Both physical and online stores can participate, so do not preclude yourself from any road and concentrate on choosing the TV or decoder that best meets your needs.The Ministry has also drawn up a list of devices that at the time of purchase will allow you to take advantage of these 50 euro discount, a list that you can find at this address.
Read also: Best Smart TVs | August 2020
Some online shops have already prepared dedicated pages in which the TV and decoder models compatible with the DVB-T2 standard are collected and which you can buy using the state incentive.
MediaWorld, for example, has prepared a specific page in which it has collected all the best offers on compatible TVs and decoders from which you can choose the most suitable product for you. Unieuro has also decided to prepare a page dedicated to the initiative in order to make it easier for you to choose the article you prefer, while Monclick has published an information page on the next generation television standard and has collected some offers at the bottom of the article and a list of products he recommends.