The Witcher 3, Triss Merigold returns to the charge in the cosplay of katrinakosplays

Reminding you of what The Witcher 3 has represented in the last five years would be superfluous: there are those who are still lost in the adventures of Geralt di Rivia, in CD Projekt RED's open world RPG. Let us therefore limit ourselves to introducing the cosplay made by katrinakosplays, an artist who in the past has repeatedly devoted attention to the franchise.
The Triss Merigold of this costume appears perfectly credible and wears the well-known "standard" clothes and accessories seen in The Witcher 3; clearly the girl then tried to enhance her external appearance and her body, details never overlooked by the real Triss.
Do you like this cosplay? Let us know what you think with a nice comment at the bottom of the article, here is the image with Triss Merigold. And on our pages, it should be remembered, we pay attention every day to costumes dedicated to video games. Proof of it: The prisoner from Metal Slug A2 by NieR: Automata 2B by NieR: Automata Yennefer by The Witcher 3 Sub Zero by Mortal Kombat View this post on Instagram I love Triss, but I definitely ship Geralt and Yen 😁 Who do you ship with Geralt? . #trissmerigold #trisscosplay #triss # tw3 #thewitcher #thewitchercosplay #cosplayer #cosplay #redhead #videogamecosplay
A post shared by 🖤 KatrinaKosplays 🖤 (@katrinakosplays) on Sep 4, 2020 at 1:44 am PDT